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  1. JoyFreak

    Bring back Chess Kombat

    RE: Bring back Chess Kombat Oh how I miss those days, they were super fun. I love the MK trilogy!
  2. JoyFreak

    Reddit Bots - Can this be done?

    RE: Reddit Bots - Can this be done? They have a bot system, you should totally take a look at it and see if it's achievable!
  3. JoyFreak

    Stranger Things (2016 - )

    RE: Stranger Things (2016 - ) No way, that is so uncool. Hopefully all goes well and does not affect the series!
  4. JoyFreak

    What's your favorite PC Game of All Time

    RE: What's your favorite PC Game of All Time Yeah it's one of those games where you can leave it and come back to it at any time and still enjoy it all the same!
  5. JoyFreak

    What is your preferred email host?

    RE: What is your preferred email host? Yeah I totally hate the design too.. I preferred the Hotmail days due to the design being much more simpler.
  6. JoyFreak

    Im a racist.....

    I've always wanted the Nintendo switch. Everyone seems to be talking about it and I tried it once on my cousins and it was quite fun! I would probably get the Mario Kart for sure!
  7. JoyFreak

    Gaming community - JoyFreak.com

    Hey guys. We are looking for PAID article writers or content writers for JoyFreak.com. If you are interested, get in touch!
  8. JoyFreak

    Picture of Blackhole

    RE: Picture of Blackhole That is extraordinary ! Seen nothing like it.. Amazing stuff to see it visually!
  9. JoyFreak

    YouTuber Channel Listing

    RE: YouTuber Channel Listing https://www.youtube.com/joyfreak Follow our YouTube channel for our gaming forum!
  10. JoyFreak

    What's Your Favorite Mobile Games?

    RE: What's Your Favorite Mobile Games? Just check that out and it looks decent. It's the kind of games I like playing. I have downloaded it and will give it a go shortly! Thanks for the recommendation!
  11. JoyFreak

    What is your preferred email host?

    RE: What is your preferred email host? Outlook (which used to be called Hotmail)... I still have my @live.co.uk one that a lot of people have not heard of, surprisingly. I also have my hotmail accounts which I think they are still allowing registrations for but Outlook is the one. Gmail is next.
  12. JoyFreak


    RE: Cricket Yes! I love a good old cricket match.. Used to be one of the top players in my school days. Still play it now and again with mates at the park.
  13. JoyFreak

    What's your favorite PC Game of All Time

    RE: What's your favorite PC Game of All Time WoW. Even though this game I played couple years ago It is still one of my favorite PC games. I really enjoy MMO/MMORPGs, there is just a lot more to do than any video games.
  14. JoyFreak

    Favorite car

    RE: Favorite car Mustang, always. Muscle cars are a beauty!
  15. JoyFreak


    Wow, great detailed post! Welcome on board!
  16. JoyFreak

    Matthew here!

    Hello Matthew! It is a pleasure to have you here and see you part of an extraordinary community full of enthusiasts !
  17. JoyFreak

    Hello everyone!

    Hello and welcome on board to our stunning community of enthusiasts! Hope you like it here!
  18. JoyFreak

    My PC build

    RE: My PC build Yeah I own a gaming laptop that I use only for uni/website work, pretty much everything other than gaming.. I know.. But I got it because of the amazing specs.. I usually use my console for gaming and prefer to do so.
  19. JoyFreak


    RE: Gameboy The good old tetris.. I loved that one. But yes Pokemon all the way for me. Can never beat that childhood game. Shame I do not have the time to invest in a Nintendo DS.. Would love to relive those childhood moments again!
  20. JoyFreak

    Do you drink tea or coffee?

    RE: Do you drink tea or coffee? I have gone from white sugar to brown sugar and have reduced the scoops to one. I feel like brown sugar is more sweeter, but could just be me. Worth giving it a go!