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  1. T

    The Holy War

    RE: The Holy War Another problem in the end times is racial conflict (nation rising against nation). That's certainly a problem - as displayed with identity politics.
  2. T

    The Simpsons and Christianity

    While I disagree with traditional theology, I have to say The Simpsons take cheap shots at traditional religion. Anyway, also I am no fan of the Religious Right - but, nonetheless, we don't want to lump all religious folk into one mold.
  3. T

    Emigration from California

    Rents are too high in California and you see another problem with capitalism - a system I normally defend. I mean, some might comment it's just "too expensive" when $100,000 a year is still poor. (example: San Francisco).
  4. T

    Money Talks - The Problem with Capitalism

    My brother lives in Nashville and he's disappointed that a bunch of specialty trees (imports from Japan - a gift from the country) were cut to make something for some football thing. Anyway, that seems to be the scene in the world - and a problem with free markets. I mean, Nashville is booming...
  5. T

    Government Health Insurance for Kids?

    Well, I generally don't like big government - but if private corporations won't step in - I feel kids need protection. I mean, I was so sad when seeing Michael Moore's Sicko - and how kids had to die - because no insurance.
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    Atheists Seem Dead-on Correct

    Nonetheless, I don't agree with them - but I will settle with non-traditional religion. Anyway, the main problem is that God is not true to his own nature (love, justice).
  7. T

    But haven't people bought into social security?

    Some have claimed they bought into social security (worked for many years) - so they deserve the help. Well, that's true - but that doesn't make big government good, though. In other words, a different thing is more desirable.
  8. T

    Does anyone think obama care was meant to keep tabs on people?

    RE: Does anyone think obama care was meant to keep tabs on people? Well, criticizing big government - I have to say: Taking care of people (in various ways) can be done - but who wants a nation of pets?   Being a pet of the government has only yielded disaster (the broken family, soaring...
  9. T

    JoyFreak here!

    Welcome to the forum. What inspired you to make a forum? How much gaming are you into?
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    Happy to join in!

    Thanks for the support you all. I will try to comment on your intro threads (I have a bad habit of not doing that'll.). Oh, forgot to tell location. I'm from Northeast, Tennessee USA.
  11. T

    Political commentators

    RE: Political commentators I like Greg Gutfeld, Dennis Miller etc.. Nonetheless, as noted in other threads - I'm cynical about white identity politics - as much as the others. Oh, I find Michael Moore and Oliver Stone interesting - but I highly disagree with them.
  12. T

    Are liberals/SJW'S ruining America/the world?

    RE: Are liberals/SJW'S ruining America/the world? I'm guessing white cops are into white identity politics. That has a lot to do with it. That stuff is as biased as black identity politics - or any other kind! Basically, identity politicians refuse to see the bad in their own group. For...
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    Facts don’t care about your feelings

    RE: Facts don’t care about your feelings Politics - left or right, has one into overkill - and there are consequences.
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    Who is into 3D art creation?

    You know, stuff like Poser, Daz3D, Blender etc.. Myself, I'm certainly not good - unlike with drums. Well, I'm not terrible - but still sort of in a beginning state - but not baby-steps. Anyway, I'm speaking only of Poser. I've not not even ventured at all into Blender, zBrush, Daz3D.
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    Men Are Trash

    RE: Men Are Trash Some men are certainly wife beaters etc.. and that's what brought on feminism. Nonetheless, feminism has gone overkill.
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    war on drugs

    RE: war on drugs Legalizing drugs is fine - but society should never condone them. It's sort of the same situation as with tobacco. Anyway, I haven't seen pot as a positive good - as Hollywood is promoting. O.K. alcohol is fine in moderation - but we cannot deny the damage.
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    Favorite Beer?

    RE: Favorite Beer? I don't have a favorite. I have generally like all I've tried - minus some weird European beer. Well, my brothers all seem to like local beer - but I haven't tried it.
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    Computer Languages

    What languages do you like? What do you find the most challenging? Which are the easiest/hardest? What is your goal with languages?
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    Happy to join in!

    Traditional Christianity is false, lol.
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    Facts don’t care about your feelings

    RE: Facts don’t care about your feelings Well, sometimes facts are subjective. For instance, if someone calls someone fat - that's often subjective. If someone says someone is ugly - that's often subjective. Anyway, imagine all the harm (bullying) done by these remarks.