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  1. Ja sa bong

    Last Show Watched?

    Reacher season 1 and 2 was the last TV show I watched. I had to binge watch both of them and it was worth it.
  2. Ja sa bong

    What are you listening to?

  3. Ja sa bong

    What did you have for dinner?

    I have white and stew cooked today. It's what I'm going to be eating in the next one hour. I have fried chicken I'm going to eat it with as well.
  4. Ja sa bong

    Do you prefer sleeping on the mat?

    Exactly. I can't sleep on the mat. Those who sleep on mat are really trying because there's nothing that's going make me use a mat to sleep.
  5. Ja sa bong

    What was your first mobile device?

    Nokia Xpress Music is my first mobile phone if I remembered correctly. It's one of those phones which I used to play music. It was like my small Mp3 player.
  6. Ja sa bong

    How often do you get a new phone?

    Before I get a new smartphone, my current smartphone will no longer be working well for me to dump it. I don't understand the reason why I have to change my phone when it's still working as I wanted it to.
  7. Ja sa bong

    What kind of Phone Do You Have?

    I'm making use of iPhone 13 Pro Max which is as good as iPhone 14 Pro Max. I would say that it's not worth it upgrading to iPhone 15 Pro Max and that's why I didn't.
  8. Ja sa bong

    If your new, we appreciate your site contributions. Invite your friends

    I will see some of my friends I know that loves using forums I'm going to suggest using the forum. The forum looks good with so much to talk on. They will love to join.
  9. Ja sa bong

    What is the highest you can spend?

    Most of the time, my budget for a new smartphone is always around $600 to $800 maximum. I wish I could spend more of at least $1k on a new smartphone but not now.
  10. Ja sa bong

    What do you hate about your phone?

    I love my smartphone very much. There's nothing I hate about it right now except that my charger used to get damaged too quickly. It's how I use it probably.
  11. Ja sa bong

    Games that are hard and tough to play

    If you have played Soul's games like Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Sekiro : Shadow Die Twice and so many more in that genre, you will know truly what difficult games is all about.
  12. Ja sa bong

    True love or 10 million dollars?

    I completely agree with you! They money is the root of all evil, I want to be the foundation of the evil. Please, I want all the money in the world.
  13. Ja sa bong

    Favorite websites?

    It's now known as X. I've been a fan of Twitter for years and I liked the previous name Twitter better than the new X name change.
  14. Ja sa bong

    Do you pre-order any games?

    I already have Tekken 8. It's very intense fighting game. I no longer know which one is better between Tekken 7 and 8 but I can say both of them are great games.
  15. Ja sa bong

    Do you think you would ever quit gaming?

    Taking a break from playing video games from time to time is even good and healthy for gamers especially when you're not a pro gamer playing for money. You need the time out once in a while.
  16. Ja sa bong

    Do you think you would ever quit gaming?

    I'm not sure if I would quit playing video games permanently. I may stay off gaming for sometime which I've done a few times but later get back to start playing again.
  17. Ja sa bong

    Do you pre-order any games?

    Yes, I have pre ordered games every now and then. It's not something I do all the time except for if the game was really worth buying on pre order. Elden Ring was worth buying on pre order.
  18. Ja sa bong

    What games are you looking forward too in 2024?

    If Call of Duty Gulf War would be as good as the previous Black Ops 1 and 2, then it's something I would surely be interested in playing. COD franchise haven't been doing so well as of late. It's why I'm skeptical about their new game.
  19. Ja sa bong

    Xbox or Playstation

    I have both Xbox Series X and Playstation 5 now. They are both power new gen consoles but if I should choose my favourite, it's going to be PS5. Sony have owned me for a very long time.
  20. Ja sa bong

    Have you played any hacked games?

    I don't mess with playing any games which have been hacked to make it playable on some devices. It's risky to some extent playing those games. I stick to playing the original games I can afford to buy.