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  1. D

    Do you wish on shooting stars?

    RE: Do you wish on shooting stars? I think I did once when I was young, haven't done anything like that since.
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    What music makes you cringe?

    RE: What music makes you cringe? I enjoy some good metal, but not if they are screaming out their vocal pipes to make it happen.
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    Demon Possession

    RE: Demon Possession Sounds crazy and why we get so many movies on it. Though you would think there be video evidence on it.
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    RE: Motivation?? For a comfy lifestyle, so I can live my golden years without worry.
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    PSP or DS Lite?

    RE: PSP or DS Lite? Actually it is 3DS games being playable on 2DS, it's just the 3D function doesn't exist due to possible health issues.
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    Earning Money on YouTube

    RE: Earning Money on YouTube From my understanding, a little play at it, YouTube video making has a pretty hard and regular schedule making. You have to stick to it and keep on track in order to keep your profits up, if you take a day off or feel like you can't do anything, then you're losing...
  7. D

    First language

    RE: First language Doesn't matter if outdated, if there are places still using it.
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    Favorite Windows

    RE: Favorite Windows Windows XP is good, but I enjoyed Windows 7 the most. I wish they stuck with W7.
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    Alarm clocks

    RE: Alarm clocks Try waking up to two alarm clocks, one simply isn't enough for me really.
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    Finished Updating the Forum Look

    Looks really good! Keep up the good work and make the site even better.
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    Demon Possession

    RE: Demon Possession first I'm hearing of people going mad before the alter. Got any examples?
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    Where do you see yourself in the next 10-20 years?

    RE: Where do you see yourself in the next 10-20 years? Still holding a good job, lovely wife at my side with a family and in a house.
  13. D

    Leasing vs. Purchasing?

    RE: Leasing vs. Purchasing? Depends on your need, if you beat it and need a new one often, leasing isn't a bad option but for most you want to be buying it, cheaper in the long run.
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    I have a very important announcement to make

    I hope all those links ends up bringing some good member activity with it.
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    First language

    RE: First language After HTML, might be best to follow up with some simple Java.
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    Anyone watched Million Dollar Baby?

    RE: Anyone watched Million Dollar Baby? I saw it in theaters, was a really good movie with a nail biting ending.
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    Permanent Twitter Suspension of Donald Trump. For nothing?

    RE: Permanent Twitter Suspension of Donald Trump. For nothing? He was using his platform to sow chaos and misinformation. He needed to be banned.
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    Earning Money on YouTube

    RE: Earning Money on YouTube I don't, but know a few that do. They make good money, but it's a bit stressful to do so.
  19. D

    I'm from Canada.

    Welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy your time here.
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    Chat Box

    Been thinking about it on my site, but just went with a discord instead. It's a nice xenforo addon though.