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  1. D

    Whats your favorite NFL team

    RE: Whats your favorite NFL team Not a big fan of any team, but I come from a green bay packer family, the are pretty good but have bad coach luck.
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    Pedophiles and Brain Damage

    RE: Pedophiles and Brain Damage They need help for sure, but if they do commit a crime they do need to face the consequences.
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    Other Search engines

    RE: Other Search engines Like others have said DuckDuckGo is the next best thing, I think anything beyond that wouldn't be trust worthy.
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    UFO Stories

    RE: UFO Stories I did come home one night and glanced up to see some odd lights through the trees, not sure if it was man related or alien.
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    Mail in Ballots and Voter History - All you need to Have Proof

    RE: Mail in Ballots and Voter History - All you need to Have Proof Instead of mail in vote they really need to make it online voting. Granted it will cost a small mint in security and ensuring anyone can access without hacking, but its the better version than mail in.
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    Are you a saver or a spender?

    RE: Are you a saver or a spender? I'm a saver, though when I spend I tend to spend :P I can't wait for the day I'm debt free, I'll make it rain in restaurants and stores :P
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    Browser Extensions

    RE: Browser Extensions I use webpage capture, advance spell/grammar check and dark web page to make white backgrounds dark.
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    The longest book you have ever read?

    RE: The longest book you have ever read? Harry potter books for me as well, never read anything as long as they were.
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    Dollar bill folding secrets

    RE: Dollar bill folding secrets I think I have seen someone do this before, but still neat to see again.
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    Future of VR Gaming?

    RE: Future of VR Gaming? It's going to become standard, as technology becomes more advance VR will become no different than the controllers we hold. Can't wait till we reach SAO levels.
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    Most spent on a game?

    What is the most you've spent on a game and its related accessories and DLC?
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    Comedy Movies

    RE: Comedy Movies Rat Race is a very good one. Great cast of characters and will get you laughing at some point.