RE: Do you wish on shooting stars?
As I kid we used to lay on the terrace and do a lot of sky gazing. Shooting stars were a common sight then. I remember making wishes but I think it was very stupid of me to do so. Nowadays, hardly get to see any shooting stars in the sky.
RE: God men.
Anyone who claims to be a Godman is a fraud. He plays on the sentiments of people with his tricks and exploit gullible people in the name of God just for money.
RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?
I do not know if reincarnation can be explained scientifically but then it just depends on an individual's perception. I do not believe in ghosts or reincarnation. Once we are dead, that is it. We all have only one life and lets live it to the fullest and...
RE: Religion Vs Spirituality
Religion and Spirituality both have a common belief that there is a higher power that guides us all. Religion is more of a community based system of beliefs. Sometimes people want to establish that their religious belief is superior to that of others and that is...
RE: Politicians!
Whether they are paid less or more, politicians know how to make money. Even if they do not know, they are taught how to This is one breed that think they are smarter than everyone.
Many people around the world are of the opinion was that Covid 19 was a strategy to reduce the population of China and India. This is one conspiracy theory. We do not know the truth behind it but the deaths in these countries were less compared to the deaths that occurred in Europe and America.
RE: Environmentalism
We all have been talking about recycling and in fact practicing it too for quite sometime now. If we are able to reduce the usage of things like plastics and garments, that would definitely reduce the garbage generated by us. The use and throw practice extending into...
RE: School Prayer
School prayers play a positive role on the minds of students in the morning. As long as it is not forced on anyone, it is a good thing in practice.
Every citizen of a country should develop a civic sense so that he is able to gel in the society and work towards betterment of the society as a whole. To attain this, I think we should catch them young. We have history and civics as a subject in school but I think the curriculum should be...
RE: Does anyone want to become a Politician?
To be a politician, one does not need to have a high IQ or educational qualification but a successful politician should know to swim in troubled waters and also basically have a helping people mentality. Social welfare and survival instincts will go...
RE: Mandatory Sentencing
Mandatory minimum sentences are fixed by lawmakers after a lot of deliberation and discussion. There has to be some yard stick of measurement for everything and punishment is no exception.
RE: Abortion
I personally feel that the woman should be given the choice to have the baby or not. After all it is her body and she has the right to take care of her body. People who give so much importance to the unborn should be giving a little thought to the feelings of the woman too.
RE: What’s the role in our life smartphone and mobile?
With so many apps available on our mobile phone, life has become so easy. Alarms, reminders, notes, online shopping, money transfer, bank transactions, browsing the internet, connecting with people, official meetings, online teaching, and...
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?
I was served mussels at a seaside restaurant. We had ordered it out of curiosity but it tasted weird and it was kind of rubbery and I couldn't just swallow it. That was just one experience that I have had in my whole life
Brisk walking is one of the best exercise that people should do on a regular basis. One should start this form of exercise at least from the age of 30. This itself will keep the body fit and deter the onset of diabetes, obesity etc.
RE: Favorite Animal?
My favorite animal is the horse. They are so graceful, strong, and have a lot of stamina. There is so much positivity about horses.
RE: Mars Colonization
Instead of protecting what we already have on Earth, we are going in search of water and livable conditions on Mars. It is quite an irony. Wherever humans go they create conflict for their own gains.
RE: Do people still believe in astrology?
The Sun and Moon do cast its effects on Earth. For example, the effect of Moon on oceans causing high tides, effect of eclipse on Earth etc. Similarly, I think all planets and stars also have some effect on human beings too. But one should not...