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  1. Z

    Do you smoke?

    RE: Do you smoke? I'm a nicotine addict and the safest way I've found to fullfil my addiction is by vaping. Smoking has a ton of negative effects compared to vaping, it's just glycerin with nicotine and vapor.
  2. Z

    Worst Fear About Growing Older?

    RE: Worst Fear About Growing Older? For me it's about losing people. I've lost a lot of people growing up, friend becoming strangers and not talking at all. Any person that I had a connection or relationship with. Losing them has been a horrible thing for me.
  3. Z

    How many bookmarks do you have?

    RE: How many bookmarks do you have? I have about 57 bookmarks mostly are about art, tech and reading. Some movies and entertainment as well as about 14 for gaming that I actively use.
  4. Z

    Do you drink tea or coffee?

    RE: Do you drink tea or coffee? I'm a tea person. Black, mixed, green, jasmin. All day long
  5. Z

    Besides drugs, what are some of the worst addictions one can get?

    RE: Besides drugs, what are some of the worst addictions one can get? I agree with you porn addiction is just corrupting, like it really gets you down with lower self-esteem thing. It's horrible honestly. Hope we all can stay safe from porn addiction.
  6. Z

    Does anyone remember seeing the video of John Cena apologizing to China?

    RE: Does anyone remember seeing the video of John Cena apologizing to China? Yes I definitely agree with you but that was a joke, like Cena does his iconic move you can't see me.
  7. Z

    Reverbed and slow songs?

    I'm honestly loving pop reverbed and slow songs so much now a day. Especially the reverbed slow Russian remixes. Ontiko is a pretty good reverbed and astronaut in the ocean. Share your favorite slowed and reverbed song. I wanna see your taste in slowed songs.
  8. Z

    What are you listening to?

    RE: What are you listening to? Pop. Rap, Eminem, tom macdonald.
  9. Z

    Have you heard of Stoicism?

    RE: Have you heard of Stoicism? It's being practical and realism is it's bases. I'm definitely in favor if stoicism cuz how else are things working in our world we gotta accept I and deal with it. It's not like we've got a reverse or change button in our hands.
  10. Z

    Stoicism and Primadonna Culture

    RE: Stoicism and Primadonna Culture I agree with you it is definitely like this
  11. Z

    Does anyone remember seeing the video of John Cena apologizing to China?

    RE: Does anyone remember seeing the video of John Cena apologizing to China? Wait so like if Sena apologized how would we see him apologize when we can even see him.
  12. Z

    Does anyone remember seeing the video of John Cena apologizing to China?

    RE: Does anyone remember seeing the video of John Cena apologizing to China? I thought John Sena was unseen able so how did this get on the radar lol.
  13. Z

    Redmi Note 10

    RE: Redmi Note 10 Idk if you're aiming for a budget phone then yeah go for it but do look up one plus phones like the one us 8 or 9 they are pretty good competitors with amazing flagship features.
  14. Z

    No Internet! Ohh God. Bored!

    RE: No Internet! Ohh God. Bored! I had a ton of set backs because of power outages in our area in California cuz of forest fires, before we got the tesla solar roof stuff installed but I would just pack all the emergency stuff with my hommies and we would play some ping pong or basket ball. Or...
  15. Z


    RE: Astrophotography I was into astro discovery a lot in college. At that time we only had a stolen telescope lol we kinda took it from a friend and didn't give him back till the end if the second last Semester. It was fun plus my roommate had a Nikon P1000, damn that thing had an amazing zoom...
  16. Z

    Phone VS PC

    RE: Phone VS PC I actually went and looked at my screen time in both my phone and laptop so my phone had a usage of 4 hours and my laptop about 3 hours pretty much because most of my work is on my phone.
  17. Z

    The life of Nikola Tesla

    RE: The life of Nikola Tesla Man I can't imagine a world without the invention of AC voltage.
  18. Z

    Do you believe in reincarnation?

    RE: Do you believe in reincarnation? I don't. It's one life in this world and an after life. Pretty simple for me.
  19. Z

    Post your favorite quote or saying

    RE: Post your favorite quote or saying My favorite saying is, "pleasure Disappoints bit possibly never". By pleasure I interprete it as doing things that harm us in anyway. And by possiblity is just doing something productive in life. It never disappoints I tell you.
  20. Z

    Where do you see yourself in the next 10-20 years?

    RE: Where do you see yourself in the next 10-20 years? I guess we should all be saying trying to enjoy life the best way hopefully. We only got one shot so why not enjoy it.