RE: what do you think modern MMOs are missing now a days?
Probably more attack options. I really miss those days of elder scrolls skyrim but without the multiplayer. If they took the same stand point it would really be the best it could possibly be. Just that it would need multiplayer.
RE: Do you feel humans are too smart for their own good?
They can be too smart for their own good but that all depends on the humans who were chosen to lead this world. A bad leader shows and leading the world into oblivion is possible and wouldn't be too hard to do for some people. How a...
RE: Alzheimer's disease
No but it's hard to recover from for most older people. When you lose your memory that can be extremely hard to recover from. Even turrets is more easily treatable but some people do recover and live healthy lives though it's extremely difficult.
RE: If you could transform into a video game character...
The Joker from Super Smash Bros probably. I like how he looks. Would be interesting to change into him.
RE: Would you join the army?
No but if a draft was needed which is unlikely because of how many people are in the military at this point I would stand and fight. It would have to be needed though because if it wasn't then it would be a shame.
RE: Do you get to keep games after the Xbox game pass expires?
I just delete my card from the Xbox every time it's being used. I don't risk any charges being filed. I hate surprise over draft charges where you forget you have it on your account and then over draft just because you forgot to turn...
RE: Muscle memory when gaming
You will never comprehend what I call reaction memory which is the same thing as what you mentioned when this person is hacking into my internet. I can't say enough that there's so much I intend to do with my life and can't just because some fat son of a bitch is...
RE: Where did you learn coding?
Self taught here. I learned on my own but I only learned HTML and CSS. No coding beyond a bit of PHP is my skill set but I am learning as days go by.
RE: Happy 22nd birthday Playstation 2
Spiderman I suppose that I would play at the YMCA when I was about 12 years old. We also played a bit of Madden NFL. Such an old console but wasn't half that bad for the time period.
RE: Have you updated to Windows 11
I updated to Windows 11 as soon as it came out as it's a free upgrade. The best part about it is that the update is free. So by that it's not hard to just simply upgrade your software. I just ran the update and presto. There are differences and mainly speed is...
RE: How to recover a deleted file in Linux
Is there not a recycle bin? Usually it's easy and just recovered there. I don't suppose a system restore isn't one way. Not hard to. If there's not then just use an app for recycle bins but for a website it's not easy.
RE: Android App Development
Still learning code in general. I have a fine grasp of html and css. I took my ventures towards php. I have yet to learn very much but as my knowledge grows I can learn Android too.
RE: Does Linux need an Antivirus?
ClamAV is usually an antivirus that comes with CentOS on most control panels where the panel is what has it. If it's linux on a site I'd say it's not necessary but linux on your PC it is because not many people realize that you can run linux on a PC as well...
RE: How often do you clean your PC?
If I had a rig that was setup and not just a laptop I would clean it. However these days I spend my nights on a laptop so not much cleaning is required.
RE: Impact of Marketing Campaigns on Social Media before Political Elections
Facebook and Twitter have also been abused over the years for Presidents and VPs that are already in office. Joe Biden I don't think has done this but it appears mostly Trump did. I still don't think he should have been...
RE: Bias in News Story Emphasis
Depending on the sex of the person, what time of day it happened, location of the incident plays a big role as well. There's not much I know to say except let you in on knowing the location is a huge factor. Something in Japan might not get attention then a 25...
RE: "War" banned in Russia
Freedom of speech is only in America and similar nations. It's something that people get used to in America is their freedoms. You don't have those freedoms in Eastern Worlds and it could let tourist in jail. The hardest part is when your only on vacation and land in...
RE: Choosing Pre-emptive War
You should really just go to war when there's a threat but for example the Iran War and Syria is because of the terrible things going on in the country and sometimes it takes more then just being defensive and sometimes you have to play offensive and go there...
I was thinking about moving the logo to below the navigation. I know for a fact that will fit better. So I will take your advice on it and probably integrate that sometime later. You'll just need to give me some time to integrate it.