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  1. Sincerem11

    Favorite car racing game?

    RE: Favorite car racing game? MGP, GT, are my favourite two franchise series to date. I am fan favourite of their sequel versions. GT 7 is really a wonder car racing game with catchy cars and tracks that will make one hang on for long hours.
  2. Sincerem11

    Which game franchise do you think should be retired?

    RE: Which game franchise do you think should be retired? EA shouldn't be retired, rather they should improve in their game releases. Release more of quality than quantity over quality video games. In the past I enjoyed some of EA games especially their FIFA franchise series, and FIFA 06 remains...
  3. Sincerem11

    The most bugged game played

    RE: The most bugged game played Bugs are part of video games, I wouldn't let bugs to ruin my gaming time, I wouldn't play such game longer, I'll quit without looking back. I did that when I played Battlefield 2042, it was just too buggy, and up to now, EA never done anything tangible to repair...
  4. Sincerem11

    iPhone 14 soon!

    RE: iPhone 14 soon! I admired Iphone 13 Pro Max, but it wasn't on my budget that's why I couldn't go for it. I am enjoying the services of my android smart phone version. Maybe when I have surplus funds for miscellaneous, then, I can consider looking up to the latest Iphone in the future.
  5. Sincerem11

    Do you pre order games?

    RE: Do you pre order games? I never pre ordered before, not even on my intentions at this time to pre order games, I prefer waiting for the game to get released and I buy at my own will.
  6. Sincerem11

    What's the first game you played on your first PlayStation console?

    RE: What's the first game you played on your first PlayStation console? I still remember the very first day I played PES 2007, that was the first ever consoles game I played on PS2. I was pushed by my friend that very day and ever since I played PES 2007, it's been me and video games till date.
  7. Sincerem11

    Would you gift your PS5 away?

    RE: Would you gift your PS5 away? I would I gift it away when I need it most man? I wouldn't try such kind of thing at the moment. I can only gift it when I have surplus or when I have miscellaneous funds to spend for such console.
  8. Sincerem11

    What games do you like playing on Playstation?

    RE: What games do you like playing on Playstation? Play station have been my favourite console for over a decade now, and their are lots of games I play everyday which I wouldn't give up anytime soon. This games are as follows: - MGP series - COD series - FIFA - GTA series -GT series etc.
  9. Sincerem11

    Xbox Series X or S?

    RE: Xbox Series X or S? For the fact that Xbox series X can handle the disc and digital version of game, I am contented with the series X version than the other. My life wouldn't depend only on digital version of games, I love playing disc versions and I can still swap them for another or flip...
  10. Sincerem11

    Best selling Xbox Consoles?

    RE: Best selling Xbox Consoles? If only Microsoft will make more hardware copies of Xbox series X/S. Earlier on I used to hear about hardware shortages of those consoles due to Covid 19 emergence. If such tensions aren't anymore and other unscrupulous circumstances limiting the production of...
  11. Sincerem11

    Overheating of my Nintendo Switch Lite

    RE: Overheating of my Nintendo Switch Lite YouTube should be your destination to watch some tutorial how to get it sorted. I think also, your cousin played loads of games on the LTE version and never allowed it to sleep for some time. It happens that way when you play for longer duration of...
  12. Sincerem11

    Do you find playing games on mobile phones boring?

    RE: Do you find playing games on mobile phones boring? Not at all, mobile phone gaming is one of the best no doubt. You play games anywhere you are, you don't have to fear for power outage issues when it comes to saving your progress in the game. I enjoy playing games on my mobile at the moment...
  13. Sincerem11

    Which games are you playing on mobile phones now?

    RE: Which games are you playing on mobile phones now? - Gangster Vegas - GTA III - Miami Crime Vice Town - Asphalt 9 Legends. This are mobile games I currently play on my mobile phone.
  14. Sincerem11

    What's your favorite game on Nintendo Switch?

    RE: What's your favorite game on Nintendo Switch? I don't own a switch, when I want to game on switch I go to game village, I play any sort of Nintendo game that cross my mind. I've played 'Zelda, FIFA 22, Apex Legends, Demon Slayer.
  15. Sincerem11

    New member

    Dear all, I'm a new member here at rune gaming, but in the forum industry I am an old face. I came through this forum as the owner contacted me about his new forum from FP. Let's make here a wonderful place for gaming discussions and other life inspiring conversations, thank you.
  16. Sincerem11

    Renaming Sports Teams Due to History Problems

    RE: Renaming Sports Teams Due to History Problems The sports team renaming is common right from the ancient time, till date. Even here in my country, the football club of my state named 'Rivers United' was formed as a result of merging of two football clubs called 'Dolphins and 'Sharks in 2016. 
  17. Sincerem11

    Free hosted forums

    RE: Free hosted forums I never tried the free forum software, I've heard several options of the free forum softwares especially the options mentioned here. I visited forumotion coincidentally without knowing it's a free forum. 
  18. Sincerem11

    D you have a forum?

    RE: D you have a forum? I am a member of your current forum, which is 'tradebtc.xyz, I believe it got some members. Surely, if you continue pushing higher for your forum growth, it wouldn't due like others. I don't own a forum, I post on various forums, and using the process to build my...
  19. Sincerem11

    Do you build websites to sell?

    RE: Do you build websites to sell? Tremendous of you developing websites and flipping them for profit. I never developed one before and flipped for profit. That's something I'll look into the future to utilize, but I wouldn't sell all websites I'll be developing. Keeping some will yield me...
  20. Sincerem11

    War with Russia

    RE: War with Russia Warfare is something easy to go into if it isn't managed well by thank-thanked people of the affected countries. I don't want war to go between Russia and USA. War in the past wasn't an easy one, lives were lost ridiculous, food shortages, malnutrition etc are common things...