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  1. Sincerem11

    Do you buy games every year?

    I usually get a handful of games but I have noticed I don't even get to complete those games. Right now I only purchase a video game I would play or have the Time to play.
  2. Sincerem11

    How many games do you play at once?

    Maybe one or two, I don't really have time to play video games lately so I can't play different games within the same time frame.
  3. Sincerem11

    How old to start playing games?

    Video games would only affect a child negatively if you let him or her play too much of it without giving their attention to other things, in as much as I let my kids play video I still give them a stipulated amount of time they are allowed to play. And I would either ask them to get done with...
  4. Sincerem11

    Ever got into a brawl?

    I have gotten into heated arguments with my friends when we play video games maybe FIFA but it has never resulted into a brawl. We just laugh about it at the end of the day.
  5. Sincerem11

    Can you let your kids play Battle Royale?

    My younger siblings and Even my nephews are all fans of battle Royale video games like fortnite and I don't see any reason why I shouldn't let them play it.
  6. Sincerem11

    Do you play NFT games?

    You shouldn't expect to immediately earn a fortune from it and because you don't earn so much isn't a justification that it is scam. Most people Carry the mindset of earning so much from it and when it turns out that they don't they tend to label it as a scam.
  7. Sincerem11

    Favorite sports game?

    I play FIFA, Moto Gp, Gran Turismo, Ride 4 , Formula 1 and also got into skating games like Skate recently.
  8. Sincerem11

    Favourite Sports Games?

    It's either between my soccer games which includes pro evolution soccer and FIFA or my racing Games with includes Moto Gp and gran Turismo.
  9. Sincerem11

    Are you playing God of War Ragnarok?

    I am yet to purchase God of war Ragnarok though I have been anticipating it's release since news of it development was officially announced. I would definitely purchase it and get that God of war feel that comes with playing as kratos.
  10. Sincerem11

    What's everyone currently playing?

    I heard about Olli Olli world from a friend and it sounds like a really cool skating game. I don't have a Nintendo switch at the moment and the game isn't available on PlayStation or maybe it is and I haven't checked it yet.
  11. Sincerem11

    Dying light 2

    I am not such a big fan of survival horror Games, i would spend all day playing GTA or any of the racing Games I have. I have heard about dying light though but I have never really considered playing it.
  12. Sincerem11

    Are you spending your time wisely with games?

    Video games are just a leisure activity for me and no matter how long or how much time I decide to spend playing video in a day it is never a waste to me.
  13. Sincerem11

    If you could transform into a video game character...

    It would be so cool to transform into Carl johnson of Grand theft auto.
  14. Sincerem11

    What console do you use?

    I have a PlayStation 4 , hopefully I want to upgrade to a PlayStation 5 at the beginning of next year.
  15. Sincerem11

    Wired or Wireless Controllers?

    And it is also very efficient, you could decide to play videogames in whatever position that is suitable or convenient without having to worry about over stretching the cables of the controller or pulling it off from its port.
  16. Sincerem11

    Wired or Wireless Controllers?

    I use more of wireless controllers because it is very convenient and stylish as well.
  17. Sincerem11

    How often do you clean your console?

    I always dust my Console every single time I am cleaning my gadgets. I don't like having dust settling in my console because it can actually affect the functionality of the console.
  18. Sincerem11

    Playstation or Xbox?

    I have always been into PlayStation, I have only ever used one Xbox console which is the Xbox 360. So it's only natural I would pick the PlayStation console over Xbox.
  19. Sincerem11

    Do you pre order games?

    This game was actually on my wish list but I haven't gotten it yet , I am also planning on purchasing this game and playing it for my self. I haven't pre-ordered any game in the past though.
  20. Sincerem11

    Last Game Played?

    I played FIFA 22 on my Playstation 4.