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  1. C

    Count to 2021 before 2021

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    What type of diet do you follow?

    RE: What type of diet do you follow? I don't follow any diet's, just try to be sensible and you should be OK.
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    Count to 2021 before 2021

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    PHP 8.0?

    RE: PHP 8.0? I would t update until at least 8.1, gives time for any issues to be found
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    Logos yourself or hire someone else?

    RE: Logos yourself or hire someone else? My graphics skills are terrible so always pay someone else to do them
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    Netflix or Amazon Prime?

    RE: Netflix or Amazon Prime? Prime as I don’t have Netflix
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    What is the most useful app on your phone?

    RE: What is the most useful app on your phone? Web browser and Surfshark VPN are most commonly used
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    Do you claim the free games on epic games launcher?

    RE: Do you claim the free games on epic games launcher? Never used the Epic launcher so no, once I build a new PC then that may change
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    Play Buttons

    RE: Play Buttons This should help you http://[/url]https://www.youtube.com/intl/en-GB/creators/awards/
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    RE: Nintendo Had the N64, played Goldeneye for hours on end.
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    Brexit Poll

    RE: Brexit Poll Voted remain in the referendum but no problem with the result. Just wish they would get it over and done with, getting ridiculous now.
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    iOS or Android?

    RE: iOS or Android? Android everytime, I do have an iPad that obviously runs IOS though
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    What color of theme do you like?

    RE: What color of theme do you like? I prefer lighter themes now, some dark ones are too dark.
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    What Music streaming service do you use?

    RE: What Music streaming service do you use? Mainly Spotify these days, do have a lot of CD's I ripped over the years in a plex server as well.
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    YouTuber Channel Listing

    RE: YouTuber Channel Listing Not much there at the moment though, hopefully going to change this year http://[/url]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNf-4KJkwVRpYna2E-ENxzQ?view_as=subscriber
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    New Twitter Design?

    RE: New Twitter Design? Yes, still trying to get used to it though
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    Does anyone use Twitter?

    RE: Does anyone use Twitter? I browse through twitter while on the train every morning, very rarely post anything though
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    Avengers: Endgame (2019)

    RE: Avengers: Endgame (2019) Looking forward to seeing this, should be a good film.
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    Which is your main browser?

    RE: Which is your main browser? Firefox & Vivaldi at the moment, also playing around with an early version of the new Chromium based Edge browser
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    What kind of Phone Do You Have?

    RE: What kind of Phone Do You Have? This is the one I was reading, more details on various sites. http://[/url]https://www.techadvisor.co.uk/new-product/mobile-phone/pixel-4-3689891/