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  1. R

    Horizon Forbidden West

    RE: Horizon Forbidden West I'm yet to purchase Horizon Forbidden West. I have heard so much about the game and the game's reviews are very encouraging. I'm going to buy the game but it won't be now. I will wait for the price to come down more.
  2. R

    What's the first game you played on your first PlayStation console?

    RE: What's the first game you played on your first PlayStation console? It was Twisted Metal 2: World Tour and Spider Man that are the games I played on my Playstation 1 the first day I purchased the console. I later played Spyro the Dragon and Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2. ?????
  3. R

    Would you gift your PS5 away?

    RE: Would you gift your PS5 away? My answer is going to be a capital NO. There's no way I would be gift my Playstation 5 away to anyone. I wouldn't even lend it out to a friend for him or her to take it home. If you want to play, come to my house.
  4. R

    Do you think Sony would survive Microsoft competition in the gaming industry?

    RE: Do you think Sony would survive Microsoft competition in the gaming industry? Microsoft and Song will ride out the competition in the gaming business till the end. Sony wouldn't give Microsoft any breathing space to swallow them up and Microsoft would be doing everything possible to be on...
  5. R

    God of War Ragnarok Release Date

    RE: God of War Ragnarok Release Date I was surprised when they later announced the game's release date because I felt that it was going to be delayed again this year. God of War Ragnarok was supposed to be released last year 2021 but it never happened. I'm going to play it this year finally.
  6. R

    When do you play your games?

    I'm always very busy most times during the day. It's why I find it very difficult to play games during the day. It's when I'm done with most of what I have to do then I can start playing games. Most of the time, I usually play at night from at least 20:00 GMT.
  7. R

    Difficulty playing with mouse and keyboard

    I have a gaming PC but it's always an uphill battle for me when playing on it. I find it very difficult to play using mouse and keyboard for my PC games. I had to buy a PC controller just to get by with PC games.
  8. R

    Wired or Wireless Controllers?

    Do you still make use of wired gaming controllers or have you moved to the wireless one's? I changed to using wireless controllers the moment they came out. I was already bored to death with the wired controllers. ??????
  9. R

    How often do you clean your console?

    I hate seeing my console being dirty and it's also not good for the console too. Dust is very dangerous for your console because it's capable of obstructing with its ventilation and it will make the console to start overheating. I try to clean my consoles at least every two weeks.
  10. R

    What colour would you like Xbox Series X?

    RE: What colour would you like Xbox Series X? I don't have any problems with the black colour of the console. If I can have pink colour too, it would be nice. All my consoles have been in black colours. It's easier to deal with when cleaning it.
  11. R

    Which Xbox console did you skip?

    RE: Which Xbox console did you skip? I told my uncle to buy Xbox 360 for me but he ghosted me for a long time and when he got me the console, he ended up getting me Xbox One. It was what led me to skip playing on Xbox 360.
  12. R

    Did any game made you choose having Xbox console?

    RE: Did any game made you choose having Xbox console? It's the Halo game franchise that made me decide to play on Xbox consoles even when I also have a Playstation console. This is what game's exclusive does to gamers and there's nothing we can do about it.
  13. R

    Death Stranding on Gamepass

    RE: Death Stranding on Gamepass Actually, you can't play Death Stranding on any Xbox consoles. It's only ported to PC. I hate to disappoint you Xbox owners, it's not going to be accessible on Gamepass on Xbox. If you don't have a PC or play on PlayStation, you should simply forget the game.
  14. R

    What's your favorite Xbox exclusive game trailer?

    RE: What's your favorite Xbox exclusive game trailer? The Gunk and Halo Infinite are two Xbox exclusive games which I so much love their trailer. Their graphics and combat systems as seen in the trailers sold the game very well.
  15. R

    Best selling Xbox Consoles?

    RE: Best selling Xbox Consoles? Since Xbox One couldn't take over that sales record set by Xbox 360 at 85 million units sold, it's going to be impossible for it to be broken by any new Xbox consoles. The Series X/S won't be able to do it.
  16. R

    Xbox Series X or S?

    RE: Xbox Series X or S? If I can afford to pay for Xbox Series X, it's going to be what I'm going to choose. It comes with better features than the Series S. It's a bit of pricy but it's better.
  17. R

    Favorite car racing game?

    RE: Favorite car racing game? There are so many car racing video games that I enjoy playing. Games such as ; F1 2021 Dirt 5 Dirt Rally 2.0 Need for Speed Heat WRC 9
  18. R

    Which gaming console are you playing with now?

    RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now? I have my friend's Nintendo Switch to play with for the weekend. I have already played Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on it this morning. I will play Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild later.
  19. R

    Playstation or Xbox?

    RE: Playstation or Xbox? The reason why most of us choose to go with what our friends play on would be for us not to be faced with getting left out if the games we can play together isn't a cross platform game.