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  1. R

    Cheating in games?

    Have you ever cheated in any games in order to help yourself win or beat the game? Some gamers are so much into using cheat codes to do this.
  2. R

    Which games are you addicted to?

    Gaming addiction is very common among gamers today. There are some games that you find it very difficult to stop playing no matter how much you have played it. Are you addicted to playing any games?
  3. R

    Which programming language do you prefer?

    RE: Which programming language do you prefer? I'm very new to programming. Isn't JavaScript and Python supposed to be most popular programming language?
  4. R

    Favorite text editor or IDE?

    RE: Favorite text editor or IDE? It's either Brackets or TextMate. Both of them works very well for me. I have heard about Notepad++ but I haven't used it.
  5. R

    Favorite YouTuber?

    RE: Favorite YouTuber? My favourite YouTuber is TheGameEconomist. He's got 134k subscribers. His contents on Soul's games makes me love his channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/TheGameconomist
  6. R

    What do you use for Logos?

    RE: What do you use for Logos? I use Logo maker only. I don't have much needs for making so many logos. It's why only Logo maker is enough for me. ?????
  7. R

    iOS or Android?

    RE: iOS or Android? I wouldn't mind getting an Apple iPhone but I can't afford to purchase it now. I heard Apple is already working and about to release iPhone 14. I'm stuck with my Samsung galaxy android phone. It's a good one too.
  8. R

    Which games are you playing on mobile phones now?

    RE: Which games are you playing on mobile phones now? It's been a while since I played Angry Birds. I can't forget the face those pigs make when they are crushed by the catapulted angry bird.
  9. R

    What games have you completed on mobile?

    RE: What games have you completed on mobile? The two games that I have completed on my smartphone recently are Mission Impossible and Frontline Commando. Frontline Commando was more difficult because of the way enemies keeps swarming up on me.
  10. R

    What game irritates you?

    RE: What game irritates you? I hate playing Minecraft. It's the only game that I have played and can say unequivocally that it's an irritating video game. No matter the mode of the game I play, it sucks.
  11. R

    Didn't download a game because of bad reviews?

    RE: Didn't download a game because of bad reviews? If a game's reviews does not supports your buying the game, it means that you shouldn't because there are so many flaws that would make the game be a disappointments when you purchase it.
  12. R

    What's the best smartphone for playing games?

    RE: What's the best smartphone for playing games? I have only seen Asus ROG Phone 5 because a friend of mine owns it. It's a very good smartphone for playing video games. It's got 16GB RAM size. I'm using Samsung A52 now. It's serving me very well for my phone game's needs.
  13. R

    Free or Paid Games on smartphone?

    RE: Free or Paid Games on smartphone? Dealing with a lot of ads and microtransactions is the major challenge of playing free games on smartphone. I have become so used to it that it doesn't bother me again.
  14. R

    What's your favorite game on Nintendo Switch?

    RE: What's your favorite game on Nintendo Switch? It's what I have been playing on my friend's Nintendo Switch that I have now. It's so much fun to play. I will Animal Crossing : New Horizons later.
  15. R

    Which Nintendo console you played before getting Nintendo Switch?

    RE: Which Nintendo console you played before getting Nintendo Switch? It should be Nintendo 64 if my memory serves me well. I don't even own Nintendo Switch yet. I'm having my friend's own to play for the weekend. I might have to buy it sooner than later.
  16. R

    Overheating of my Nintendo Switch Lite

    RE: Overheating of my Nintendo Switch Lite I don't know if it's dust that must have caused the Nintendo switch Lite to be heating up. It's the same thing with my Playstation 4. If it's not dust, then something is wrong with it.
  17. R

    Which gaming console are you playing with now?

    RE: Which gaming console are you playing with now? I'm back home from work now. I have started playing The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild on my friend's Nintendo Switch. I will switch to my Playstation 4 later in the night.
  18. R

    What games do you like playing on Playstation?

    RE: What games do you like playing on Playstation? I love playing Soul's games so much. Games like, Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Demon Soul's, Seriko :Shadow Die Twice, Ghost of Tsushima, Nioh 2, and Elden Ring.
  19. R

    Played Salt and Sacrifice?

    RE: Played Salt and Sacrifice? I have not played the game. If it's good enough when I get my own PlayStation 5, I will consider playing it. I don't know if it's only Playstation 5 exclusive? If it's on PS4, I will look for it.
  20. R

    3D Audio on Ps5?

    RE: 3D Audio on Ps5? I had to look it up on Playstation Store and found out how to set it up. It's not that difficult to do if you know exactly what you're doing.