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  1. P

    Best Buy now selling Windows 11 featured laptops

    RE: Best Buy now selling Windows 11 featured laptops No matter how much they cost there's always a crack version on internet. I think torrent help better to download the crack version of windows
  2. P

    Can VPN help to reduce ping ?

    I would like to know if VPN can help me to reduce online gaming ping ? if yes then kindly suggest me a good one
  3. P

    Best Buy now selling Windows 11 featured laptops

    RE: Best Buy now selling Windows 11 featured laptops Its not out its gets leaked by one of Microsoft member. Windows 11 will be offical available for user in Octuober
  4. P

    Black Screen after overlock

    I overlock my Ryzen processor. Now its showing me black screen. How do i fix it
  5. P

    RTX 3090 with low performance

    So i recently build a new Gaming PC and bought the RTX 3090. But unfortunately its giving me lower FPS ( below than 45 ) and something my game got crashed due to high temperature of card. How do i fix it can anyone help me ?
  6. P

    Keyboard Under $100?

  7. P

    Why is EVERYONE buying this CPU??

  8. P

    Anyone tried the new GTX 3080 ?

    So this card is to much damn expensive. You can buy a whole gaming PC ( without GPU ) if you comapre the price of GTX 3080. Its most expensive Card ever did you tried this ?
  9. P

    Why SSD is so important?

    I am building a Gaming PC and many shopkeeper suggesting to add SSD. Why SSD is so important? ?
  10. P

    Business Category

    I love talking about business and i always start conversation with my friends about staring a business. I have many successful business ideas and i want to share it with cafediscussions people So its my request to admin to make a Business category
  11. P

    Crypto Currnecies

    What about adding another board/category for Crypto Currnecies. Now days its on trending and people are keep discussing about it
  12. P

    Do you use a password manager?

    RE: Do you use a password manager? No, its too much risky. Everyone can hack my browser cookies and steal all the passwords. I never use "save password" option or any Extension relate to it
  13. P

    Almost had to buy a new laptop

    RE: Almost had to buy a new laptop I haven't used Windows since 1998. Been UNIX and linux ever since. I have good experience with it. Go with Linux
  14. P

    Best Buy now selling Windows 11 featured laptops

    RE: Best Buy now selling Windows 11 featured laptops Isn't its Leaked version of Windows 11 ?. I heard windows 11 is recently leaked and its not the original version
  15. P

    Screenshot Utility

    RE: Screenshot Utility I use "Prnt" key to take the screen shot and paste it on Paint. Whenever i saw something usefull or want to show it to anyone i press the button and paste it to that person
  16. P

    What Antivirus/Spyware Remover Do You Use?

    RE: What Antivirus/Spyware Remover Do You Use? Avats software is the best for removing all the malware on your PC/laptop. I my self use this and recommend most of my friend to use it
  17. P

    Which one is your all time favorite PC game?

    RE: Which one is your all time favorite PC game? All GTA series are the perfect game to be played for adults. I my self chose all his series as my favorite game
  18. P

    Halo 6:Infinite Next Gen Series X Console Release Coming Soon

    RE: Halo 6:Infinite Next Gen Series X Console Release Coming Soon Halo 3 was my childhood. Xbox live in the 360 was amazing. I met some really amazing lifetime friends on Xbox
  19. P

    what's your favorite 2d game ?

    Dead Cells is the perfect 2d game to be played, what's your favorite 2d game ?
  20. P

    Games that are hard and tough to play

    For me GTA 5 ( Without cheats and hacks ). I don't think i can end the game without them lol