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  1. T

    The Michael Jackson Innocent Project Live Stream April 27th, 2019

    RE: The Michael Jackson Innocent Project Live Stream April 27th, 2019 I always admired the rise of the Jackson 5 and loved the music. I mean, they came from being so poor to so rich - and with such determination. Also, I'd admired MJs efforts at music later on. However, though, I cannot deny...
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    Plastics in the air

    RE: Plastics in the air Supposedly Communism is supposed to tackle "the greed" problem causing pollution - but Communist nations were always huge polluters.
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    What color of theme do you like?

    RE: What color of theme do you like? That one wasn't a mega-site. It was just some forum that used to be on Forum Promotion.
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    Fake Hipsters

    RE: Fake Hipsters It's hard to judge people, though. I don't really know what people have been thru. That's what my brother was doing - judging people - saying they're stupid.
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    What color of theme do you like?

    RE: What color of theme do you like? They have a weird niche known as Black Hat SEO. In that one, black is the preferred color for their web development/business websites. Who has visited one? A cool one was called "TrafficGangster.Club" - but it's since went down. O.K. a popular one now...
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    Fake Hipsters

    RE: Fake Hipsters Honestly, a bunch of 18-year-olds with beards look phony. It's like Eddie Munster with a beard, lol. Kids that age - don't look like kids! Anyway, shouldn't a beard be something people earn? I mean, if I see a wounded war vet with a beard - O.K. - I think he's earned it!
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    Fake Hipsters

    RE: Fake Hipsters George Washington's time saw beards out of fashion but in Abe Lincoln's time it was the opposite. But how many people are shaving, keeping it - only to follow style?
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    Colleges Still Harsh

    Well, that's a good thing. Anyway, what I mean, is that despite primadonna culture (strongly prevalent there), pretty much all majors are tough. Even stuff like English - is no walk in the part - and can be as challenging as physics.
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    Anti-Bullying Movement

    Well, there is some justification for it - despite the primadonna culture in our land. http://[/url]https://www.t-nation.com/opinion/planet-fitness-nightmare Well, the above gym franchise told the bullies to leave - and with good reason! However, the article is critical of the place. Anyway...
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    What color of theme do you like?

    RE: What color of theme do you like? Dark seems to be making a mockery of religion. Also, dark isn't good for stuff like babysitting sites etc..
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    Stoicism and Primadonna Culture

    I've been seeing so much stuff about stoicism - and maybe writing cynical stuff in return - possibly because so many guys want to "say they're tough" - but it's always better when it's lived and not said - kind of like with religion. Anyway, the root of this primadonna stuff - is certainly an...
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    Who is into 3D art creation?

    RE: Who is into 3D art creation? I hate that! But, boy it's an easy way to get cash - and also beat up - LOL.
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    Who is into 3D art creation?

    RE: Who is into 3D art creation? You can make a lot of money making those little models. Well, maybe not. There's a lot of competition. But it would be cool to find out. But you'd have to under-price everyone.
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    Social Mobility

    RE: Social Mobility One leftist commentator on the net was saying upper classes in Latin America say "If only they would stop drinking, they would own a mansion.". O.K. is that condescending crap?
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    Fake Hipsters

    RE: Fake Hipsters Plenty of nerds/geeks can change tires - but are assumed wrongly! ;)
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    Letters from a Stoic

    RE: Letters from a Stoic I'm used to failure hee hee - so I'm not trying to be a stoic - it's just normal life.
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    Fake Hipsters

    I decided to grow some side burns (lamb chops) so my Jerry Seinfeld/Chevy Chase brother had to take a swipe at hipsters. He was noting one meme about the big beard hipster - who couldn't even change a tire! :LOL: Anyway, this hypocrite (my brother) has had a goatee for 20 years !! Jerk :mad:
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    Some Stoic stuff you may find useful

    RE: Some Stoic stuff you may find useful I get enough stoic crap on Facebook (memes) - from guys who probably aren't real men - LOL.
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    Anyone use GIMP or Inkscape? Or do you just prefer photoshop

    RE: Anyone use GIMP or Inkscape? Or do you just prefer photoshop I like GIMP (not the un-PC name - lol) but it requires a learning curve - and no time. O.K. well, I cannot master layers.
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    What color of theme do you like?

    For my drumming and web development (I want a unique look.) forums I have dark - but the religious one I want to keep light. Anyway, studies have shown half of people like "only light", half can stand either - and a quarter only like dark. Those aren't exact figures, just something around that.