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  1. TopSilver

    Favorite YouTuber?

    RE: Favorite YouTuber? Mine is Ears Call of Duty Streamer. Which is the perfect streamer for Call of Duty and makes great videos for getting good at Call of Duty.
  2. TopSilver

    Sony being sued for $5.91 billon

    RE: Sony being sued for $5.91 billon That's a lot to be sued for but for choosing their own price? That seems a little cliche to me. I can't understand that thought process the district attorney had when filing the lawsuit for the person just because if you own a company why can't you choose...
  3. TopSilver


    Welcome to the site 1@Anachiwo[/USER] I do remember old faces from the other site. I hope this continues for a good while and I look forward to the future.
  4. TopSilver

    Good morning

    Wecome to Rune Gaming. This site will take off soon and succeed and do very well I can guarantee and count on that.
  5. TopSilver

    Happy to be here.

    It's good to see you. I'm liking this site a lot because of the software were using is perfect in my opinion for a big site. People didn't take me seriously at first but vBulletin 5 has everything Xenforo has and what I don't comprehend is every feature is already included with even a forum...
  6. TopSilver

    Do you think Sony would survive Microsoft competition in the gaming industry?

    RE: Do you think Sony would survive Microsoft competition in the gaming industry? Making games isn't really monopoly when the owner of microsoft has the rights to the games already. I can see that any purchase of an internet company when you have one or merging them is a monopoly. If Microsoft...
  7. TopSilver

    What colour would you like Xbox Series X?

    RE: What colour would you like Xbox Series X? They work on custom colors for controllers and handhelds. Usually it requires buying a special edition unless you know someone at the company. But they do release different special editions a lot for different games.
  8. TopSilver

    Hot Cocoa Anyone?

    Does anyone drink Hot Cocoe and prefer it over coffee or tea? Maybe you drink coffee instead but prefer it. I like the marsh mellows in it and was just wondering.
  9. TopSilver


    Welcome to rune gaming.
  10. TopSilver

    I'm happy to be here

    Welcome to the site. Great to have you here and I am glad for you to join. If you have any questions let me know. Were looking for potential staff that posts regularly.
  11. TopSilver

    What do you use for Logos?

    Software you use for Logos? Which is it? Please share. I use GIMP because it's free.
  12. TopSilver

    Which Nintendo console you played before getting Nintendo Switch?

    RE: Which Nintendo console you played before getting Nintendo Switch? I had the Nintendo DS for Pokemon White and Black was such a good game and then I also switched to the 3DS later and played the other pokemon games.
  13. TopSilver

    Overheating of my Nintendo Switch Lite

    RE: Overheating of my Nintendo Switch Lite I never had a Nintendo Switch Lite. I use the new OLED just bought it the other day.
  14. TopSilver

    What's your most hated mobile phone game?

    RE: What's your most hated mobile phone game? Probably that farm game. I don't like the farm game.
  15. TopSilver

    Favorite YouTuber?

    Who's your favorite YouTuber?
  16. TopSilver

    Favorite text editor or IDE?

    Sublime Text maybe? Old school Notepad++ or an advanced IDE like PHPStorm. Which is your favorite?
  17. TopSilver

    iOS or Android?

    Do you prefer Apple phones like iOS or Android? And tell us why.
  18. TopSilver

    Which programming language do you prefer?

    Is it php? Is it C# or C++? Or do you just do web design markup with html and css. What's your favorite programming language?
  19. TopSilver

    Do you find playing games on mobile phones boring?

    RE: Do you find playing games on mobile phones boring? I actually do find it boring to play mobile games. Handheld games are fun on Nintendo although.
  20. TopSilver

    What's your favorite mobile game?

    RE: What's your favorite mobile game? Yugioh would be a good choice and I wish they'd make the Pokemon trading card game for mobile but if they made it for Nintendo Switch it would be great.