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iOS or Android?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
Do you prefer Apple phones like iOS or Android? And tell us why.
RE: iOS or Android?

I enjoy playing games on my mobile device. So, making use of my device to play games was one of the reasons that made me pick Android devices. I can be able to play lots of games on an Android device unlike with an iOS based device.
RE: iOS or Android?

I have been using android device all my life. It's why getting Apple phone is very difficult for me to do. Also, Apple smartphones are very expensive. Look at how much they are selling iPhone 13 Pro Max now, I can't afford it.


RE: iOS or Android?

Samsung Galaxy phones have been the only android smartphone that I have ever used. I have tried using Redmi and Infinix but I never loved their interface.

As for iPhone, I'm not yet ready for it. Maybe in the next few years, I'll give it a go.
RE: iOS or Android?

I wouldn't mind getting an Apple iPhone but I can't afford to purchase it now. I heard Apple is already working and about to release iPhone 14.

I'm stuck with my Samsung galaxy android phone. It's a good one too.
RE: iOS or Android?

I love both iOS and android devices. People used to say that android is a lot cheaper but that's not true. It's all about the brand of android that you're looking at buying. Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra is worth more than most iPhones.
RE: iOS or Android?

I am with Android. The only iOS device I ever used was an iPod 4G. I still have that device, however, I stopped using it a long time ago.
I could conveniently use both, currently I am using an Android but I am planning on adding an iOS device to my list of gadgets.
Martins said:
RE: iOS or Android?

I love both iOS and android devices. People used to say that android is a lot cheaper but that's not true. It's all about the brand of android that you're looking at buying. Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra is worth more than most iPhones.
I agree with you on this. Most Samsung phones are more expensive than some iphone series. The value that you get is also worth it too.
I like both iPhone IOS and android smartphone. If I can have both of them, I'll be more happy.
I use both android and IOS. I have iPhone 13 and Samsung galaxy S22 Ultra. I want to buy iPhone 14 Pro Max soon. 
I like both iPhone IOS and android smartphone. If I can have both of them, I'll be more happy.

Most people will want to use both as long as they have a budget that can cover them from getting both of those devices.
Do you prefer Apple phones like iOS or Android? And tell us why.
I used to have a IPhone and then one year I switched to Android and have been Android ever since. And I am staying with Android because I have so many Android apps.
I have always been a fan of Android and still to this day I am. I was gutted when I dropped my last Android phone and cracked the screen badly but I am hoping to go back to Android very soon.
I would always go with Android. It's what I've always been using, and I'm most comfortable with it. I don't feel like switching to an iPhone. And also, iOS devices are way more expensive.