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Would you join the army?


Mar 1, 2022
Have you ever considered joining the army? I actually wanted to join the army to gather experience and add new skills to my set in life. It would be good knowing combat techniques and getting the training. Plus on top of that, you get prestige in the society.

What do you think? Would you join the army? Even only if it's to gather experience, I see it reasonable.
RE: Would you join the army?

No but if a draft was needed which is unlikely because of how many people are in the military at this point I would stand and fight. It would have to be needed though because if it wasn't then it would be a shame.
I have no business with the Army. There's nothing that's going to take me near the army barracks!!

I appreciate men of the military because they are doing a great job.
I don't want to die young, so joining the army would be the last thing I would ever do in my life. I'm not going to survive the training to begin with.
If the pay is very good and my family will be taken very care of if I die in war, I won't mind joining the army.
The Navy is what I am willing to join and not the core military. I am a man of sea and I love being at sea. It's why getting into the Navy is always going to give me the satisfaction of what I've always wanted in life.
I am an introvert who find it very difficult to leave my house which is the reason why I know that joining the military to become an army personnel is something that can never happen in a million years.
I am an introvert who find it very difficult to leave my house which is the reason why I know that joining the military to become an army personnel is something that can never happen in a million years.
Joining the military means that you are potentially already for war if the situation arises. It's not everybody that is built that way, so it is understandable that you don't want to have anything to do with it.
Joining the military means that you are potentially already for war if the situation arises. It's not everybody that is built that way, so it is understandable that you don't want to have anything to do with it.
Anything that have to do with war is not something I have interested in because I hate seeing where people get hurt and eventually die and this is very common in war scenarios.
Anything that have to do with war is not something I have interested in because I hate seeing where people get hurt and eventually die and this is very common in war scenarios.
True. Life is precious. It shouldn't be wasted in unnecessary wars. It's a shame our government are not doing everything possible to avoid war.
Nope. I'm sorry but fighting unjustified wars, murdering fellow humans who most time aren't responsible for what's happening isn't my kettle of tea. Lots of innocent people get killed by the army.
Does anyone feel like not wanting to kill others for your nation's security is simply demanding others do it for you? It reminds me of that argument that people will eat meat from a grocery store etc., but they don't want to shoot innocent animals.
Nope. I'm sorry but fighting unjustified wars, murdering fellow humans who most time aren't responsible for what's happening isn't my kettle of tea. Lots of innocent people get killed by the army.
When the war is justified, it still doesn't stop innocent people from being caught in the crossfire which is the reason why I would never support any act of war.
When the war is justified, it still doesn't stop innocent people from being caught in the crossfire which is the reason why I would never support any act of war.
I also despise any kind of war as well. When you hear the horror stories of some survivors and how the army treated them, I'd never even think of joining something like that.
It's tough to get true believers, especially when the war doesn't threaten national security. For instance, you can convince some American whose images of Communism are reeducation camps and Pol Pot killing fields to go die for South Vietnam, but that's probably not the majority.
I wouldn't join the army. I suffer from a lot of health issues that would prevent me from being able to join the army, so even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to.
I never had an interest in joining armed forces, either the military or the police. I never liked fighting, even to defend the values I stand for.
I've turned down the opportunity to join an army sometime ago. It was a period when my uncle had the proposal and asked if I was willing to go for the training. I don't think I have the need to be joining the army as it doesn't suit what I really stand for.
I've turned down the opportunity to join an army sometime ago. It was a period when my uncle had the proposal and asked if I was willing to go for the training. I don't think I have the need to be joining the army as it doesn't suit what I really stand for.
The military isn't meant for everyone. It's very good for you to know it's not what you could do and close the door to it. Being forced to take up a profession like being in army will not end well.