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Recent content by TopSilver

  1. TopSilver

    Are There Universal Truths Shared Among All Religions?

    There are truths to different religions on my opinion too, just that none except Christianity will get you in God's grace any closer. That's just my personal view on it. But even buddhism (while one of the 10 commandments to not worship idols) still shares a single truth in my opinion, that the...
  2. TopSilver

    Counter timer between threads

    Sure. I just fixed it for you. Had time between messages set to 15 seconds and just now noticed it needed a fix for threads as well so it's now been also changed to 15 seconds
  3. TopSilver

    Your deal breaker in a relationship?

    It's the same with me. Pretty much lying and cheating will cause me to break up with the person.
  4. TopSilver

    What's Your Favorite Game Developers?

    I like what Sledgehammer did with call of duty ww2 which is one of my favorite call of duties of all time but how can we forget the incredible gameplay the company Dice has made for Battlefield. Battlefield V was the bets battlefield they ever made and even with battlefield 2042 they still have...
  5. TopSilver

    New MyCafeTalk goal. Can we reach 50,000 posts?

    No but I wanted to make the goal challenging since were fixing to grow now. I am going to pay people to post in the future too when I get more money. Looking forward to achieving that because if we can do that my friend then we can do anything and search traffic will top us off. Search traffic...
  6. TopSilver

    Chapter length

    My thoughts are 30 pages which is what I believe should be standard where once in a while you make a chapter 10 pages every so often so the reader doesn't feel like he's fish hooked but can feel rewarding when getting to that chapter with the 10 page. I remember that's how the Harry Potter books...
  7. TopSilver


    I've never heard of Oppo. I just have an iphone 11. Who's it owned by? Or is that the companies name. Just wondering. I but some people on this site has heard of them. just that I haven't myself.
  8. TopSilver

    Favorite ers of music

    I grew up in the 90's too and was born in 1990 but the best era in my opinion was 2000, the turn of the century, which was before music all had the same type lyric too it. You know what almost all rap songs talk about money, drugs, and woman but the 2000 era seemed to have more quality. That...
  9. TopSilver

    Fast food

    I eat fast food a lot and it's not half that bad. Though taco bell should be arrested for the bad quality of their beef. Taco bells chicken is decent but their beef is made with fillers and I will eat it if I have it but it's not nearly as good as it should be. Burger King's food is pretty good...
  10. TopSilver

    Forums in Wordpress

    I used to mess around with bbpress which is Wordpress forum plugin but I never decided to start a site with it. Considering it's free some people might choose it but personally if I was using free software (which were not on this site we use xenforo 2 which cost $190 I think) but if I was using...
  11. TopSilver

    Place to discuss movies and TV

    Thank you for the suggestion. I am very satisfied with how many changes turned out. I did a bit of re-organizing and added a movies, tv, and music section and then an art and literature and then organized it a bit better. Appreciate the support @The Hulk it's much appreciated. I am satisfied...
  12. TopSilver

    Spam Flood

    @Rey619 I made it 15 seconds instead of 30 just now. That should be sufficient.
  13. TopSilver

    New MyCafeTalk goal. Can we reach 50,000 posts?

    I'm sticking with the goal because I think it will be easier once we get going. The fact that we have plenty of content and the site is fixing to grow a lot.
  14. TopSilver


    Welcome to the MyCafeTalk forums brother. If you have any questions feel free to let us know.