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Recent content by Mr. Cream

  1. M

    Creams Sweepstakes Giveaways!

    RE: Creams Sweepstakes Giveaways! THIS TITLE SAYS IT ALL HITMAN 1 2 and 3 https://gleam.io/ihTxq/hitman-1-2-3-giveaway
  2. M

    Creams Sweepstakes Giveaways!

    RE: Creams Sweepstakes Giveaways! 2 new giveawyas you can find thej underneath my videeo player on twitch or here @everyone #smallstreamer #SmallStreamerCommunity @SmallStreamSup #SmallStreamersConnect @lilstreamers #smallstreamersupport come hang, chat 4 ur chance 2 win OUTLAST trinity...
  3. M

    Creams Sweepstakes Giveaways!

    RE: Creams Sweepstakes Giveaways! HELLO NEIGHBOR + HELLO NEIGHBOR HIDE AND SEEK COLLECTION GIVEAWAY giveaway right here https://gleam.io/hiHTx/hello-neighbor-hello-neighbor-hide-and-seek-collection-giveaway
  4. M

    I want views on twitch

  5. M

    I want views on twitch

    RE: I want views on twitch Twitchstrike.net i think it is tells me what games are good to play and what time and who else is streaming them. I see what you are all saying, but I dont think you guys understood me. 4 years mainly a mixtures of the same games, CSGO, COD, Ring of Elysium, FSB2 and...
  6. M

    I want views on twitch

    RE: I want views on twitch Well im having bitrate issues right now where my internet quality dips ill up the bitrate but most of my followers from less fortunate areas cant watch it too high or sometimes even 1080p. Maybe we should work together i need to grow and make this a career i have no...
  7. M

    I want views on twitch

    RE: I want views on twitch Well im unbanned now but for how long until some more Political correct bullshit happens...? Anyway put me at the top bro im one of your real friends. Im live now too just come and give me a lurk in the chat and put my volume to 1 and go do other stuff. :)
  8. M

    I want views on twitch

    So im here to rant about it. I have been banned so much came back and still continue through the struggle. I have a lot of content to chare and entertain with come and you may see me @ my twitch link is in my signature but im pissed that I have 3.3k followers yet no chatters or viewers half of...
  9. M

    Pedophiles and Brain Damage

    RE: Pedophiles and Brain Damage Whats reaL SAD cALI SAYS ITS NOW A SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND THEY WANT TO STOP PROSECUTION CHILD SEX TRAFFICKERS AND ALLOW MOLESTERS TO WALK AND THEIR ACCUSERS TO BE JAILED (it hasnt passed jsut mroe legislation whcih is gettign harder and harder to find once it...
  10. M

    Dollar bill folding secrets

    RE: Dollar bill folding secrets Its crazy how our money is somehow predicting the cuture or maybe its scripted, or maybe this i s a simulation.. who knows. But its wel there is too mch out there for coincidences in my book now.
  11. M


    I think speed runnin is a waste of time just for a record that someone else wil break. I mean its cool to blow the devs mind when yu beat their game in under 15 minutes (outerworlds) but still, something i would never do, not that i cant because i have, but because its to tedious 1 mistake and...
  12. M

    So long, partner

    Meme i know, but I do not get it... maybe im old.
  13. M

    Whats your favorite NFL team

    Mine is the Carolina Panthers. Always has been. I liek cleveland in the AFC though. But die hard carolina. What about you guys? And if your a division rival, expect some banter.
  14. M


    You might not be a basketball, nba or even hornets fan. But damn.. this lamelo ball I have never seen a PG like him I play just liek he does in FSB2 a game which some of you should get and play I can teach!
  15. M


    RE: Royal No one saw this? Bump. I want peopel to see this and tell em what you think. I might start posting works here, but not if i get no traction.