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Lord Roco's latest activity

  • Lord Roco
    I never buy games with full money and always use the flash sale to buy them. I think, in most instances, the games are really over...
  • Lord Roco
    Lord Roco replied to the thread Other Search engines.
    I never use anything other than Google. Here are the reasons why: 1. Its clean and has a really wide variety of search functions like...
  • Lord Roco
    I am a regular subscriber of YouTube Premium. This is because one of my favourite past time hobbies is watching news debates. (Infact, I...
  • Lord Roco
    I used to be like OP. I spent time on my phone and laptop, playing different games till 2 AM. But now that I have grown up (and...
  • Lord Roco
    Lord Roco replied to the thread iOS or Android?.
    It is very strange how I we all have different opinions. I run android on my phone, but I own a Macbook from work. Now that I have...
  • Lord Roco
    Lord Roco replied to the thread Do you wear smart watches?.
    I think smart watches cannot take the market by storm anymore. Here are my reasons: 1. Its very less durable compared to conventional...
  • Lord Roco
    Lord Roco replied to the thread Pokemon.
    I used to watch it from my childhood right from episode 1 to all the way, the present episodes. Presently, I am however not liking it...
  • Lord Roco
    Lord Roco replied to the thread Gun Control.
    Now, thats a very serious allegation. Do you mean the Police? If that is the case, I have heard that there is some kind of high...
  • Lord Roco
    Lord Roco replied to the thread Anyone use Zoom?.
    I use Zoom for all my work meeting though I find that there is an increasing trend to use Google Meets. Both the softwares are pretty...
  • Lord Roco
    Lord Roco replied to the thread Death Note Anime/Manga.
    It is perhaps the only anime I saw except Pokemon! I loved the concept of it and it is very addictive also. Initially I was a little...
  • Lord Roco
    Lord Roco replied to the thread Are You Religious.
    I am not a religious person and the idea of God is almost non existent to me. By God, I mean an entity that has made and continue to...
  • Lord Roco
    Lord Roco reacted to Nomad's post in the thread Gun Control with Like Like.
    Don't you think it is government's job to protect the civilians? Don't you think gun ownership will create violence in the society?
  • Lord Roco
    I a m personally a non practicing Christian, but I have faith for all religions primarily because I understand that religion is a matter...
  • Lord Roco
    Lord Roco replied to the thread Abortion.
    I agree with abortion when it is done on the full informed consent of the female having to undergo abortion. While it has to be...
  • Lord Roco
    Lord Roco replied to the thread Gun Control.
    I think it would be good if the government spends on improving the security in street rather than regulating the gun control regimen...