RE: Tamagotchi
Yeah, I loved having one when I was younger. I would still get one if it wasn't hard to get hold off. They were fun because it felt like you have a real pet to look after.
RE: PS5 & Xbox Series X
I've been trying hard to pre-order a PS5 but it's been a hassle. I think i'll just wait for it, I'm sure there'll be a lot of software issues they'll have to iron out at some point. I'll wait till all that is done.
RE: Do you prefer watching or playing sports?
For me, personally, I prefer to play the sports than watch it. I find it boring to watch a group of guys kicking a ball around the field. It just isn't for me.
RE: Xenforo too expensive?
I don't find it expensive at all. It's a good price compared to all the other softwares. You are also not just buying the software but also excellent support. The add-ons can add up to a lot more depending on what you want having.
RE: How many hours do you spend on gaming?
I used to be able to spend hours gaming in one setting but now I can't do more than two hours. i find myself getting distracted or too bored easily.
RE: Netflix or Amazon Prime?
Yeah, I may have to cancel mine soon. I was on student membership and it worked fine for me with the discount but now it's at full price, I may as well just pay for Netflix and get a lot more shows and films.
RE: Delphi
It's awful to use now. We have better programming languages and delphi is just way too outdated and a hassle to even learn or code in. Too many issues.
RE: What's your favorite PC Game of All Time
I've been playing a lot of CS:GO on Steam just for good times sake. I'm currently also in the process of making a mod for it.
There were many candidates in a waiting room and they were being called one by one - I was the last candidate to be interviewed, so basically, I was just being nervous and walking around the waiting room until it was my turn. Got called in, and walked right into the door. It wasn't a good start...
RE: The Witcher on Netflix n' Chill
I would highly recommend it. If you ever watched GoT and like that kind of series, then The Witcher is right for you! Its on Netflix but I'm sure its probably on other streaming services. Google it!
Whether you're gonna make it reality or just keep it as a fantasy, I think lots of ppl have been dreaming of all the places they can and will visit after social distancing has lifted. Might be close to home or a different country or one of the seven wonders of the world.
I mentioned the cinema...
Feel free to post your gaming usernames below!
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Mine is KingKight92 on PS4. Whats yours?