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  • well we hit 14K. Close to our goal of 2K threads and 15K posts. I want to thank you all for doing your part.
    new style is good
    yes, thanks for the advisement. I'm preparing for a lot of people is the main reason. The other stock theme was too flashy. This fits the bill
    get on discord. I want to talk about add-ons
    Change the alert icon to red, it's blue currently
    Not so sure about the level bar
    I am sure it's going to work. It only takes 60 posts to earn an award. It's 15 points a level for the first 2 levels and increases by 20 every 2 levels. I can easily edit colors from the admin panel for the final level or set the final level anytime. Your forgetting that it doesn't take much to earn awards based on posts and reputation and that their automatic. No one should have an issue gaining levels. The post bit is just how I want it. I plan to add more awards soon and we'll decide on a final level once we have more ~Brad
    When are you gonna make more add-ons?
    I may give it a go soon. Want to keep active with getting mind piff activity. That's my primary goal. Can't wait to see where it takes us, especially with the new theme.
    When we getting XF upgrade on here?
    I'll be completely honest with you, I was planning Christmas but I am having to invest in an Xbox Series X. So the plan is possibly then if I can get enough for my ordinary Xbox One X. I will somehow find a way. My mother lost her job recently so I'm not quite sure how it's going to all work out. I need around $130 to update all the add-ons for it. I want to switch and bad. I will keep you updated. My XF license is still active though so I have access to it. If I can get $200 for my Xbox One X I could probably have enough on Christmas. Gamestop will probably buy it
    Ah OK all good
    I just wanted to update this in case anyone reads it that I'm putting off the Xbox Series X and upgrading us in December
    24 hour crew?
    I didn't delete your thread. I think your report stated you only wanted the double post deleted but laifot must have removed the whole thing. I have no plans for this. Most people use regular time. It would require an add-on to make it an option I think
    Thus, you have another project :)
    Hi! my Super Mod award is still missing hehe :P conggrats on getting your first K!
    I could have sworn I gave it to you already but just checked and gave it to you just now :P

    Sorry for the delay. We'll get it going automatic very soon
    Congrats on reaching 1K messages
    Thank you [mention=18]Users Name[/mention]. Also congrats to you on going past 100. I'm excited to watch the site grow. When we start seeing members sign up at random is when we know we've succeeded.
    Hope all is ok, I haven't seen you around for a while!
    Odd I was not notified of your profile post comment via alerts. I have now seen it. I plan to get active on your site a lot soon just might be slower for around 2 months or so. Right around my birthday near August 16th I plan to speed things up a lot. I haven't really been active anywhere for close to 3-4 weeks. Right now since I'm getting better I wanted to take a small break. Though I will say all posts will be returned I just want to take a break until around my birthday in August. Feel free to take a break from mind piff too if you want just until I get back in action on nerd face though I plan to post a lot after this little break
    Just thought, I can probably send you a copy of the thread counter add-on since it was free anyway.. (y)

    I'll check my downloads folder later, pretty sure I'll still have the zip.
    Yeah that might be an idea possibly. Does it work on 2.1 is the question? I mean bugless. Because possibly it may be not appear to have any bugs but still not compatible. Anyways I would love to swap links with you if you want to be featured in the footer where partners is. Let me know
    I'm running it on 2.1.1 amongst almost 80 add-ons, seems fine. No server errors reported. Swapping links sounds good, we can discuss on Discord later.
    sounds good to me. I have like at least 10 servers each with over 100 people I can invite you to. You can make some friends. It's a chain reaction. That's how all forums start out. That chain reaction
    Can I play with madness?
    The prophet stared at his crystal ball
    Can I play with madness?
    There's no vision there at all
    Can I play with madness?
    The prophet looked and he laughed at me!
    Can I play with madness?
    He said: You're blind, too blind to see!
    Please take me away, take me away, so far away.
    Please take me away, take me away, so far away.
    Please take me away, take me away, so far away.
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