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Green Hosting

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
Do you feel it makes a difference?  Well, green hosting is environmentally friendly hosting that either uses environmentally friendly ways to generate power - or tries to plant trees to make up for any environmental damage.    Now, typically, it seems like it costs more than regular hosting, for obvious reasons, but it seems like lately that the prices aren't much different than other hosting.
RE: Green Hosting

That was very popular in the dark ages, I really don't see much people adopting such nowadays. Not that it isn't in existence, I still see some persons who plant trees, beautiful trees to protect their environment in case of heavy wind blow and other hazards. 
Even though I am against the use of fossil fuel and I like to use renewal energy sources, I believe most things that label themselves green are nothing but marketing gimmicks. I believe green hosting is one of them.
Never heard of green hosting. Anyone care to shed some light?
Never heard of green hosting. Anyone care to shed some light?

These days it is very common to talk about green energy, but sadly many people use fossil fuel to create green energy. For instance, you can even see EV charging station where electricity is produced through fossil fuel, or using fossil fuel to create hydrogen energy. Hosting companies using green energy is said to power their servers with green engergy but if they are using power from national grid, they might not be completely using green energy.
These days it is very common to talk about green energy, but sadly many people use fossil fuel to create green energy. For instance, you can even see EV charging station where electricity is produced through fossil fuel, or using fossil fuel to create hydrogen energy. Hosting companies using green energy is said to power their servers with green engergy but if they are using power from national grid, they might not be completely using green energy.
I agree. The only truly green energy sources are windmills, solar panels etc.. How much of the green industry is really using only those things?
I agree. The only truly green energy sources are windmills, solar panels etc.. How much of the green industry is really using only those things?
In our country, more than 60 percent of electricity comes from hydro energy. Fossil fuel is mainly used for vehicles but electric vehicles are slowly replacing gas powered vehicles.
I've had very good experiences with green hosting providers, but that doesn't mean that the green hosting scene is legit, though. Well, I think it is, but maybe in the grand scheme of things, it makes no difference to pollution, but perhaps the attempt is admirable.