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How often do you get a new phone?

RE: How often do you get a new phone?

I only upgrade when I really need too, when my phone may be running slow and not working like it is meant too. which is every 2 -3 years, maybe 4 years.
RE: How often do you get a new phone?

I change my phone may be a over a span of  3-4 years. I opt for a new phone only when any problem like battery or screen damage happens. When any new model comes, I never had craze on any new phones when it releases.
RE: How often do you get a new phone?

Normally I wouldn't change phone just because a new upgraded version is available in the market. I use my phone as long as it gives me trouble free service. Usually it's the battery issue which strikes first. I try to adjust with replaced battery and if it doesn't solve the issue, I go for a new phone, which of course will have a better configuration than my earlier smartphone.
RE: How often do you get a new phone?

Once every four years. So far this was the case. I used to change my phone once in 4 years approximately. Now I don't know how far the android and system updates are in the present mobiles.
RE: How often do you get a new phone?

I handle my phone with utmost care so it usually doesn't have any problem with hardware except for battery of course then I'll change it immediately. I'll use a mobile for at least 4 years.
RE: How often do you get a new phone?

I take very good care of my devices and they last for many years, usually around 4-5. The last one started to have some problems with the batter after 3 years, so I got a new one.  Currently using Xiaomi Redmi 10  and it's excellent for the price tag. Fast, good camera and lasting battery.
Yarik said:
RE: How often do you get a new phone?

I take very good care of my devices and they last for many years, usually around 4-5. The last one started to have some problems with the batter after 3 years, so I got a new one. Currently using Xiaomi Redmi 10 and it's excellent for the price tag. Fast, good camera and lasting battery.
I make use of my phone devices for that long too. I like it when I am very careful about the phone that I am using because changing it every year or so is not the best idea.
Every 2 years is long enough for me to change my smartphone. I won't use a phone for 3 years before having it charged.
I have using my iPhone 13 for a while now. There's iPhone 14 Pro Max out already and it's what I'm looking at buying. Maybe by next year, I will buy it. 
I used to buy budget phones. And by the time I paid them off they were obsolete, and I needed a new phone. The phone that I have now is a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra, and it will be 2 years old in July. I plan on keeping it another 2 years because it's still fast and the battery life is still good.
RE: How often do you get a new phone?

I upgrade almost every year through my plan but as of this year I want to not upgrade for a long time. That way I can buy the phone outright without needing to be on a plan where I'm spending $100+/M. But also because I'm waiting for no notch. So it will take a long time to save for a phone. I haven't started yet.
I don’t like upgrading my phone and getting a new one very often. I kept my iPhone 8 for a few years and now i’ve been using my iPhone 13 for about 2-3 years now. I don’t plan on upgrading for another year or two, possibly longer.
I wouldn't say I get a new phone too often, before I cracked my Huawei P30 Pro I had been using that phone for nearly two years and it was still going strong. At the moment I am using the iPhone XR and it's not giving me issues so I will probably use this one for a while now before upgrading.
I only get a new phone when I break my old one, or if I have extra money, and it's time for a upgrade.
RE: How often do you get a new phone?

Roughly 3-4 years, they cost too much to replace often, not seeing any damage coming.

That is my point as well. I don't enjoy getting a new phone unless the one that I am using at that particular moment is having some issues that is very difficult to repair.
I tend to upgrade my phone every couple of years or so, depending on how well my current device is holding up and if there are any compelling new features or advancements that I'm interested in. I'm not on a specific plan for upgrades, but I do keep an eye out for deals or promotions from my carrier that might make it more affordable to switch to a new phone.
Before I get a new smartphone, my current smartphone will no longer be working well for me to dump it. I don't understand the reason why I have to change my phone when it's still working as I wanted it to.
Before I get a new smartphone, my current smartphone will no longer be working well for me to dump it. I don't understand the reason why I have to change my phone when it's still working as I wanted it to.

I think part of the reason anyone would be getting a new phone without the old one being bad is as a result of having the money. Once they have the money, they can spend it as much as they want.
I think part of the reason anyone would be getting a new phone without the old one being bad is as a result of having the money. Once they have the money, they can spend it as much as they want.
I am not someone who is extravagant which is the reason why I wouldn't do something like this because there are so many other important things I have to use money for and not replacing a phone that is still very functional.