It is an amazing and beautiful day, and you are relaxing at your favorite burger joint. Double cheeseburger with some nice battered onion rings and such a tasteful delight. You are spending time with some good old buddies you have not seen for a long time. After you eaten you guys decided to go see the new Avengers Movie Infinity War. So you guys are driving and on your way to the theater and you noticed that there is some commotion on the sidewalks, but you don't want to miss the movie so you keep on driving. As you get to the movies, you noticed there is a decent size line. But you still have 20 minutes until the movie starts. finally after 10 minutes of waiting, you finally get your ticket and you guys head inside the theater. You can smell the fresh movie popcorn, and you are excited about this movie, so you go in and look for a seat. You guys made it kind of late and the only seats that are available are the front row. As the movie starts and you get into the beginning intro, you can hear someone coughing real loud in the seats behind you. The coughing continues and while you are trying to watch the mad Titan on the screen do his introductions, you hear some big commotion coming behind you. There is a terrifying scream and someone yells, that guy bit me. All of a sudden you noticed that the person who was bit is spraying blood all over the place and you noticed that there are a few other people biting the people around them. It starts to turn into a horror seen directly in the theater and before any of the blood splatters on you, your friends tell you to get out of there.
You guys start making your way to the exit of the theater, but noticed that more people are biting others and just making a mess. The security guards are trying to calm everyone down,but one of them gets bitten in the process. Now things have gone dramatically wrong, people are dying and the ones that died, are getting back up and have a hunger in their eyes. This is the beginning of the zombie apocalypse, what will you do?
You guys start making your way to the exit of the theater, but noticed that more people are biting others and just making a mess. The security guards are trying to calm everyone down,but one of them gets bitten in the process. Now things have gone dramatically wrong, people are dying and the ones that died, are getting back up and have a hunger in their eyes. This is the beginning of the zombie apocalypse, what will you do?