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Your Allowed to Post 1 YouTube Video and 1 Recorded Livestream a Month. No Actual Livestream Embeddi

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
Your Allowed to Post 1 YouTube Video and 1 Recorded Livestream a Month. No Actual Livestream Embeddi

These forums are not meant for advertising. They are meant for discussion topics.

You are only allowed 1 YouTube video per month that belongs to you. For YouTube if it doesn't belong to you then you can post it if the video is interesting and it's not copyrighted.

You are only allowed 1 recorded livestream per month that must belong to you. For Twitch, if it does not belong to you then posting it is against the rules.

That equals a total of 2. 1 of each per month is allowed only. What is not allowed is threads with your actual channel link in them or advertising your channel in a thread. For example "Come check out my cool YouTube channel. Subscribe and watch", with a link in the thread to your channel. That's NOT allowed

Also no embedding actual live streams that aren't recorded. Your thread will be deleted

Feel free to post your Twitch link in the Twitch Streamers official community thread.


Also feel free to do the same for YouTube in the YouTube thread.

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