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Young man spends $50,000 to look like alien and plans to have genitalia removed


Retired Staff
May 20, 2018
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A young man has spent $50,000 (£40,000) on plastic surgery to become an ALIEN– and could soon have his genitalia removed.


Vinny Ohh, 22, from Los Angeles in California, USA, has had over 110 procedures to transform into a ‘genderless’ extra-terrestrial.

The make-up artists believes he’s neither male nor female and so his extreme look is a way of mirror how he feels inside.

He started with lip fillers at the age of 17, before having two rhinoplasties, multiple cheeks and brow bone fillers and more.


The part-time model also wears large blackened contact lenses, alien like talons and unusual hair dye colours.

Now he plans to fork out another $160,000 (£130,000) on surgery to have his genitalia, nipples and bellybutton removed.

Vinny said: “I want to be a sexless alien being, I want my outside to reflect how I feel on the inside.

“The overall image I want to do is an alien. I want to be a hybrid, not male or female.


“I’ve wanted to be sex less and gender less, since I was 17, I’ve been going to doctors to see if it’s possible but had no luck.

“I don’t want people to think I’m trying to change into a woman.

“I could live without sexual organs so why should I have a penis or a vagina.

“I don’t see why I shouldn’t have my genitals completely removed and have nothing down there.

“So far, I’ve had $50,000 in skincare and procedures including two rhinoplasties, facial fillers in my lips, cheeks and brow bone all to look extra-terrestrial.


“I do kind of look like a Martian, I have a really big head, no eyebrows and I’ve just been connecting with that.

“When people ask me how I’d label myself, I tell them an ‘extra-terrestrial, hot mess, self-obsessed’ it’s becoming my slogan.”

Vinny started cosmetic procedures after feeling like an outcast while growing up.

He became an LGBTQ activist and feels like his look now represents his beliefs that ‘people shouldn’t be labelled.’

Vinny said: “Over the years, I’ve realised I’m not gay, bi, trans or any of these things, I just want to be me.

“I do it in to inspire the world in a certain way, I want people to stop labelling others or putting them in boxes.”

When out in public he draws much attention, which he believes is down to some of his unusual standout features and dress sense.


“Even when I was 16, I was wearing full body suits and eight inch platforms going outside in the day, so it feels very normal to me.”

Vinny is set to appear on The Plastics of Hollywood, a show that will house real life plastic surgery addicts together in attempts to nurture their talent.

He said: “My goal is to change everyone’s mind about human dolls.

“I’m trying to wake people up to show them that gender roles in society do not matter and show them that we need to be better human beings and nicer to one another.”

The TV show, which is set to be released in America, will follow a talent agency that tries to help them achieve Hollywood Fame without relying on their looks.

Marcela Iglesias, producer and presenter, said: “”Vinny is an alien new generation of new people who want to look different, in 15 years, hundreds of people will want to look like him.

“We’re in an era where there’s people who want to look like lizards, those who implant horns into their skulls and people with full-face tattoos like the guy in Suicide Squad who are working.

“We want to be the first agency who will treat these human dolls, alien dolls and cartoons as a normal part of the society that we’re living in now.

“We have all these people, the freaks, weirdos and we want to make society understand them.”


35 whole body and face laser treatment

12 cheek fillers

2 brow fillers

15 lip fillers

10 fillers for random wrinkles

5 botox sessions

5 nose procedures

1 botox under eye

5 facial peels

20 cryo facial freezing


Genital removal

Nipple removal

Belly button removal

Forehead realignment

Ear pinning

Nose job

Eye lid revision

Jaw implants

Cheek implants
RE: Young man spends $50,000 to look like alien and plans to have genitalia removed

I posted this thread because I was like wtf. This is very extreme. Some people do look like aliens even without surgery. Example

RE: Young man spends $50,000 to look like alien and plans to have genitalia removed

Damn this is insane. Wonder why he wants to be an alien so bad? Makes you question what goes through these people's minds these days... lmao
RE: Young man spends $50,000 to look like alien and plans to have genitalia removed

Thats a lot of money to be spending to look different, i guess hes getting a bunch from supporters tho, im curious about hat. anyways i think thats insane to want to go to extremes to be genderless but ay woot woot for him i guess.
RE: Young man spends $50,000 to look like alien and plans to have genitalia removed

Thats a lot of money to be spending to look different' date=' i guess hes getting a bunch from supporters tho, im curious about hat. anyways i think thats insane to want to go to extremes to be genderless but ay woot woot for him i guess.[/color']
Yes, some people really want to stand out or make a statement. As for the gender removal, that is something I wouldn't understand. Takes away from sexual pleasures, but like you said, it's his preference. Hopefully this isn't something to cause any serious medical issues in the future as it is really unnatural
RE: Young man spends $50,000 to look like alien and plans to have genitalia removed

Yes, some people really want to stand out or make a statement. As for the gender removal, that is something I wouldn't understand. Takes away from sexual pleasures, but like you said, it's his preference. Hopefully this isn't something to cause any serious medical issues in the future as it is really unnatural
i agree, changing genders is one thing but actually going genderless would be extremely difficult.
RE: Young man spends $50,000 to look like alien and plans to have genitalia removed

i agree, changing genders is one thing but actually going genderless would be extremely difficult.
That's insane someone trying to go "genderless". How the hell could someone even manage to do that. Make themeselves "asexual" or something like that? This fellow is out of his mind lmfao.
RE: Young man spends $50,000 to look like alien and plans to have genitalia removed

Yea, I've seen it a long time ago. But hey - it's crazy. Most of people doesn't have money to buy food and this guy is spending a lot of money to look like an alien.
RE: Young man spends $50,000 to look like alien and plans to have genitalia removed

That's insane someone trying to go "genderless". How the hell could someone even manage to do that. Make themeselves "asexual" or something like that? This fellow is out of his mind lmfao.
i mean i see how he could do it, like all sex would be eleminated from his life and that would suck but if thats what the crazy man.. it idk what to call him/it, then thats on him

Yea, I've seen it a long time ago. But hey - it's crazy. Most of people doesn't have money to buy food and this guy is spending a lot of money to look like an alien.
yeah no kidding lol. Not to be that guy but i mean he could be donating to kids in need or somthing. im curious where he gets his money from.
RE: Young man spends $50,000 to look like alien and plans to have genitalia removed

i mean i see how he could do it, like all sex would be eleminated from his life and that would suck but if thats what the crazy man.. it idk what to call him/it, then thats on him
You can survive without sex but what gets me is the fact that his hormones would be so in-balanced that it could have traumatic effects on his lifestyle and the things he would normally do. It would make much sense for him to take that risk. It's terrible, actually.

yeah no kidding lol. Not to be that guy but i mean he could be donating to kids in need or somthing. im curious where he gets his money from.
He probably gets it from his parents or someone he knows. This guy's a complete idiot if you ask me.
RE: Young man spends $50,000 to look like alien and plans to have genitalia removed

well i dont think think his hormones would get messed with too much, its like people nowadays who get sex changes take hormones of the opposite. so he may just get his endocrine glands removed witch is were hormones are produced. i gets making his what he wants. i have no clue how that would affect a person tho. like that could have some super bad effects thinking about it, like skin could dry up and lose all liqud content, same with eyes, worse breathing, really bad metabolism, and much more. no clue if any of that would be true im just guessing.
RE: Young man spends $50,000 to look like alien and plans to have genitalia removed

I swear this worlds going crazy!!!
RE: Young man spends $50,000 to look like alien and plans to have genitalia removed

I can think of better ways to spend that kind of money. Like maybe helping those who NEED plastic surgery due to defects, scarring, etc. But then, it IS his money. Any new update on him?