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Writing your own book


Jan 28, 2021
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Who has thought of writing their own book? How far have you come with it?

Many years ago, I had started a book on my life. It was quite deep actually. I was hoping it would help others to know they are not alone. After awhile though, I decided not to pursue it. I have kept all those writings however. They are in spiral-bound notebooks & I had read through some of them not too long ago. It's not a big part of who I am anymore & I guess NOT writing it helped me move on.

So, if you thought of writing your own book, what niche would it be? Did you have a title picked out?
RE: Writing your own book

I thought about writing a book called Paradigm Shift. I still might do it one day. Would be about my experiences on this earth and how my life has been all but natural (supernatural). Explanations of how I could perceive eternal time and information regarding theology and how it could relate to the universe. I am very good at my writings and would do excellent in catching someone's attention had I have enough time to organize it.
RE: Writing your own book

Its my dream to write books and to share my thoughts with the world, am organising all the useful facts that I know to create a book that is not only good to read but also useful and interesting at the same time.
RE: Writing your own book

I had thought of writing fiction few years back and even started penning my ideas which slowly developed into a good storyboard. Probably I was influenced by my favourite authors Arthur Hailey and Robert Ludlum. But since then even though the idea is still fresh in my mind, I haven't yet started on the project. Maybe it will materialize in the near future.
RE: Writing your own book

I've written an adult novel. Well, still writing it. I started it in 1988! 245+ pages currently. It is about an stoppable genetically engineered serial killer in the far distant future. Very cool. I love writing because I can create my own worlds, and do anything I imagine. :D
RE: Writing your own book

I have published 6 books. Three books are poetry books and 3 books are short story and novels. There books are under my own name, and three books are in my pen name. I have half a dozen manuscripts.
RE: Writing your own book

Need a step by step on how to even start and how to spell first not alone on evening thinking about writing my own story book  I have not write, just normal day to day posting content and using keyboard to type and not write, then again nowdays people do not write there own books by hands XD
RE: Writing your own book

I haven't thought of writing book but I always write my life lessons in a book and show it to my kids and grandkids in future. I make a note of things what can be done and what shouldn't be done in a scenario. Most of it are related to family and work atmosphere. Maybe after my retirement, I may have plans to compile these into a book and publish.
RE: Writing your own book

Never considered writing my own book, though would love to make an attempt at it. I have always considered people who pen books to have tremendous imagination and have always wondered how they put their words in such a way that it takes us right in the middle of the situation they describe in the book. Its a talent very few possess. I have few favourite authors and if I do write sometime in the future, it will certainly be due to the inspiration from their writing.
RE: Writing your own book

I've not written a book.   However, I am writing music lesson methods - which, I suppose are books.   Anyway, they are not put together like a traditional book.  Instead, they are being uploaded to a website with each page as a separate link - with another link for an audio file.
One of my goals for 2025 is to publish a couple of books. I have manuscript ready and I need to hire a professional editor to work on my manuscripts. I will be publishing on Amazon.