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Will Fully Immersive, Holographic Games Ever Become a Reality?


Active Member
Apr 3, 2024
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With advancements in AR, VR, and holographic tech, do you think we'll ever see truly immersive, fully holographic games where you can interact with the environment in real life? How far off do you think this kind of gaming experience is? Would it be the next big leap for gaming, or are we still a long way from seeing it in our homes?
I know that the advanced games should include fully immersive holographic games which in my view are still quite a way off yet. at least not for perhaps another twenty years. As we speak, we have enhancements in VR and AR. They have really enhanced our gaming experience.
I know that the advanced games should include fully immersive holographic games which in my view are still quite a way off yet. at least not for perhaps another twenty years. As we speak, we have enhancements in VR and AR. They have really enhanced our gaming experience.
With the pace of advancements in AR and VR, it feels like we're on the cusp of something transformative. Companies like Meta, Microsoft, and Apple are heavily investing in mixed-reality tech, and the leaps we've seen over the past decade give me hope that fully immersive holographic games could be a reality within 20-30 years.