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What sanctions are being imposed on Russia


Feb 4, 2022
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US sanctions announced this morning are intended to hurt Russia's ability to finance its military efforts:

  • two state-owned banks, which the US says are key to Russia's defense sector will no longer be able to do business in the US or access its financial system
  • restrictions have been placed on US deals involving Russia's national debt
  • Americans are now banned from doing business in Luhansk and Donetsk
RE: What sanctions are being imposed on Russia

Well it's a trade-off when this happens. The threat isn't always enough but something either has to be taken away or given when this happens. First you try to give and come to an agreement then after that your just taking it away.
RE: What sanctions are being imposed on Russia

Sanctions or not, the world economy will be severely affected due to the consequences of a full-blown conflict. World economy and financial markets are interconnected, which was well demonstrated by the events which followed the pandemic. Events happening on one side of the planet will certainly set off shockwaves on the other side. An invasion of Ukraine by Russia would drive up the already high cost of living in the United States and elsewhere. It will rattle investment portfolios and will eventually slow down the economic recovery. Hopefully, de-escalations will continue, else it is the common citizens who will be caught in the middle of this brewing conflict.
RE: What sanctions are being imposed on Russia

Will the European countries stop buying oil from Russia.....
RE: What sanctions are being imposed on Russia

What ever sanctions US makes Russia have threatened tit for tat. I doubt if the sanction will really affect them hard. Russia hardly seems to be bothered by that. They have already banned Flights from UK to Russia. These threats of sanctions do not work for a country which is almost self sufficient. Sanctions can deter poor countries. Instead, bilateral talks should have been encouraged. I think it's still not too late for that.