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What can make you change the device that you are using right now?


Aug 24, 2022
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There are a lot of new features that we always have coming up with new devices. When it comes to changing your device, what is the feature that can force you to change your device?
I am using an android phone. Here is what would make me change my device:

1. I have enough money to afford an iPhone
2. The screen in my android phone is a little damaged due to water ingress. When it gets out of hand, I should think about changing it.
3. When there are any new advances in technology which I cant resist at all.

I make such choices because I use my phone only to call and to play one of my favourite game apart from ordering food and grocery max.
I hate dealing with a smartphone that have battery problem. I can't stand it. Even if all of the other features in my phone are excellent but the battery is giving me issues, I will change it immediately.
I will be using my device as long as it is functional, the moment it stops working, I will replace. I am not a kind of person who changes devices frequently.