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What book or books have influenced you the most?

RE: What book or books have influenced you the most?

The turn of the screw is one of my favourites. Lord of No Time also was great.

I love Fantasy-themed books that also have a bit of gothic approach or have something to do with medieval witchery. I'm always curious about that kind of topics and i watch a lot of movies like that and also my kind of music.
RE: What book or books have influenced you the most?

I would have to say a book series that really influenced me as a kid was the Goosebumps series by R.L. Stine. Was some of the most scariest books I have read in a while. It influenced my life quite a bit and made me think of the interesting situations the books put the characters in.
RE: What book or books have influenced you the most?

I recently read Adventures of Zoran's Castle by V. Vijith. This book has insights of learning new things and it is portrayed very well. Fantasy along with twists makes the story adorable and fascinating one. I loved all the characters and the graphic sketches.
RE: What book or books have influenced you the most?

I was always fascinated by the people in power and have tried to understand their lives by reading their autobiography. But the most inspiring reading was undoubtedly "Wings of Fire" based on the life of former Indian President Dr A J Abdul Kalam. From a very humble beginning to a nuclear scientist, head of Indian space mission, and then head of state. It was truly inspiring to read how he overcame numerous obstacles to achieve what an ordinary man can only dream of.
RE: What book or books have influenced you the most?

Bhagavad Gita is a book that has inspired me a lot. This is one of the most popular Hindu book of scriptures. However, Bhagavad Gita does not talk just about religion, it teaches how to live a life. Tao Te Ching has also inspired me a lot.
RE: What book or books have influenced you the most?

I am interested in reading biographies of prominent persons. Their life, struggles and success have greatly influenced me. I feel very motivated by reading such books.
RE: What book or books have influenced you the most?

"How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie was an interesting read.  I have implemented some of the ideas discussed in the book and has seen the positive impact of it.
Apart from the Bhagavata Gita, Upanishads have also inspired me a lot. Upinashads are Hindu scriptures and there are hundreds of Upanishads, of which 8 are major. I have read all major Upanishads.