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Weirdest food you've tried?


Apr 18, 2020
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What's the weirdest food you've tried?

I think weird depends on your culture because some people think eating bugs is a staple while others think it's gross. But what do you personally think is weird but went ahead and gave it a shot?
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

The weirdest food I remember is something called Snoopies that we made in middle school. Their basically peanut butter cookies with lots of powdered sugar. Weird memories I have but they were really good. A lot of kids make them in school. Eating bugs is something that is entirely gross in my personal opinion. I don't see how people do it. I've seen those shows where they fry them up in a skillet and put them on sticks. Nasty.

Some culturally prepared food can be really tasty though. Any type of Chinese or Japanese food would be really good. Would be nice to have a Japanese steak. Kind of like Hibachi but not cut up and prepared like a New York Strip style steak.
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

I tried escargot at a French restaurant once. The waiter, who didn't speak English, had to show me how to eat them, so he picked up the first one and basically fed it to me. I dunno, if you had them, served the same way, but there was a bed of salt and a burning butane or whatever thing in the middle of the plate surrounded by the shells. There was a special clamp that fits around the shells, you pick it up, warm it over the fire which melts the butter inside, then use a tiny fork to get at the snail. Very involved.

It was pretty good. :)
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

I find sausage very weird. I don't like it all. Any food with sausage is weird for me. I have even tried to make it tasty....but it's not to my taste.
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

Bone Marrow. It's like if steak, butter, and lard all got together and made a baby, it would be bone marrow.
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

Probably jellyfish tentacles, which are very hard to swallow, gritty and have no flavour, even dipped in some sauce.
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

During my vacation in Indonesia, I came across this weirdo food, fried stuffed frogs known as Betute. Ewww I went nauseated.
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

If you can add eating snake meat as something weird, then that's it for me. It was one Christmas when I visited my maternal home and one big snake was caught in our compound. My uncle killed it and we used it to prepare hot pepper soup. 
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

Heatman said:
If you can add eating snake meat as something weird, then that's it for me. It was one Christmas when I visited my maternal home and one big snake was caught in our compound. My uncle killed it and we used it to prepare hot pepper soup. 
Snake tastes just like fish. I have eaten it several times and it's one of the meat that I've come to enjoy eating. 

Dog meat is what bugged me so much that I found out people eat. 
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

Anachiwo said:
Snake tastes just like fish. I have eaten it several times and it's one of the meat that I've come to enjoy eating. 
Dog meat is what bugged me so much that I found out people eat. 
How can human beings be that cruel to dogs for crying out loud? I'd sue anyone whom I get eating dog meat or killing it as well. 
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

Heatman said:
How can human beings be that cruel to dogs for crying out loud? I'd sue anyone whom I get eating dog meat or killing it as well. 
Some people are really disgusting with the kind of things that they do. For someone to eat dog, he or she can very well eat his fellow human being if allowed. 
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

Snail soup. There was one village in my state called Achi where I visited a friend of mine and it was the soup that wsd served me. It was a bit tasty but also wired for me because it was my first time of eating snails. 
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

I have tried flavoured lauve, it wasn't actually that bad, I had BBQ flavoured
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

I find any uncooked non vegetarian food very wierd and repulsive. In our part of the world, we use lot of spices and our dishes generally are well cooked and colorful. But I have seen in some places, they eat raw and sometimes just bring it to boil and consume. I respect culture and tradition. I am sure it's good for them. They might find our food wierd. But, yes, uncooked or half cooked non vegetarian food is a strict no for me.
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

I was served mussels at a seaside restaurant.  We had ordered it out of curiosity but it tasted weird and it was kind of rubbery and I couldn't just swallow it.  That was just one experience that I have had in my whole life
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

My favorite meat is goat meat but once I tried having goat brain, it was so slimy and disgusting and made me so sick.  
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

Aurum said:
My favorite meat is goat meat but once I tried having goat brain, it was so slimy and disgusting and made me so sick.  
Did you say goat brain? How are they going to prepare that? Breaking the skull and cooking the brains and serving it? 
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

Heatman said:
Did you say goat brain? How are they going to prepare that? Breaking the skull and cooking the brains and serving it? 
Even with the way you are saying all these, it sounds disgusting to me already. I wouldn't be able to eat such because I will definitely puke. 
RE: Weirdest food you've tried?

Martinsx said:
Even with the way you are saying all these, it sounds disgusting to me already. I wouldn't be able to eat such because I will definitely puke. 
We call it Nkwobi here and it's very tasty. Let me see if I can get a video of what it looks like for you to see. 