I've made an intro before, but I am redoign it. I am Mr Cr3am from twitch.tv/mr_cr3am. You guys want to see some awesome game play and have good conversations and AMA, then come I stream every day at least 6-8 hours a day or more! I love fps games, story driven games, a good hack n slash too. Some RPGS are nice as well. I don't like any multiplayer games other than CSGO (which since it added BR its lame) and RoE (Ring of Elysium). I love RoE because its a Battle Royale with classes, how many can you name that are like that? I love mainly single player games. I miss the days when single player is what games were based on, not even co-op, yes 2-player was int he earliest days of games but you need player 1 before player 2.