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Thoughts on the growing number of shark attacks?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Shark attacks are more frequent then they've ever been in years. While we know sharks usually don't attack based on anything but their natural instinct for food, they have still been attacking more people then they've ever been in many years. What causes this? Could it be possible they are coming to shore because of something happening to the ocean. Possibly searching for food elsewhere? It seems interesting to me that sharks have been so often coming to shore when the ocean is plentiful of food.


Jan 29, 2022
RE: Thoughts on the growing number of shark attacks?

Recently, I read a report that said around the world more people are killed due to cattle attacks compared to shark attacks. The rising case of shark attack is because humans have encroached their habitats.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
RE: Thoughts on the growing number of shark attacks?

No it's not that. It's because global warming causes ice bergs to melt where they are in Antarica and rising sea levels cause their feeding areas to change where they are mostly barrier reefs, later they become the ocean shore. Plus the warm water causes the current to drift them to shore. Can't say much about cattle attacks. That hasn't happened hardly at all outside of horses which back kicks from a horse do happen almost every day if not every single day so I see where they were coming from in the article you read. Considering it's rare that a shark will actually be found at shore but that's probably worldwide so you could actually be right. I know one thing is shark attacks are painful. Most people lose limbs. The majority of horse kicks don't kill the person unless it's in the head or the heart area. So you still have a 50/50 chance of survival, then if a shark gets you it's like 10/100 chance of survival being usually a 10-15% chance.

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