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The rising of the shield hero


Mar 15, 2019
Reaction score
The rising of the shield hero is a new anime that just came out in 2019 and it is really good

So I recommend you ppl to watch it

And hope y'all having a good day
RE: The rising of the shield hero

Hello! Raphtalia is really the waifu aye?

You need to watch the quintuplets anime, it has the best girl ever. Miku <3
RE: The rising of the shield hero

Hello! Raphtalia is really the waifu aye?
You need to watch the quintuplets anime, it has the best girl ever. Miku <3
RE: The rising of the shield hero

1@AK15_DEV[/uSER] I merged your 2 threads together as they were the same topic posted twice. Please do not spam the forums. If you have a topic in mind it only needs to be posted once. You can edit your post within 1 hour to change it if you need.
RE: The rising of the shield hero

The rising of the shield hero is a new anime that just came out in 2019 and it is really good
So I recommend you ppl to watch it

And hope y'all having a good day
Yes, it’s good

Hello! Raphtalia is really the waifu aye?
You need to watch the quintuplets anime, it has the best girl ever. Miku <3
I started watching this than forgot about the show
RE: The rising of the shield hero

Yes, it’s good
I started watching this than forgot about the show
The manga is really good, it has more detailed emotions and thoughts of each girl. My fav is of course Miku but Nino also comes close.

I downloaded the batch by HorribleSubs, so i will probably finish it by next sunday.
RE: The rising of the shield hero

The manga is really good, it has more detailed emotions and thoughts of each girl. My fav is of course Miku but Nino also comes close.
I downloaded the batch by HorribleSubs, so i will probably finish it by next sunday.
I may check out the manga, thanks!