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The Labeling of Anti-Government People as Racists etc.

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
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In my view, this is a gigantic scheme.  Well, no doubt a lot of people who are anti-government in the USA are racists etc.  Nonetheless, most of the population that sympathizes with anti-liberal causes is not "that intolerant".  In reality, they are just sick of liberal extremism.  It's when political correctness is taken too far and it begins to become another form of massive intolerance.

Anyway, this whole gobbedy-goo, in my view, is a distraction because I think elites are plotting something VERY EVIL.
RE: The Labeling of Anti-Government People as Racists etc.

Most people on the news are usually the ones who are racist. Almost always someone on the news is causing a political issue where they are acting out anti-racism advents where they have a strive for excellence attitude yet in reality are racist themselves. It's this hypocrisy scenario that leads the media to call out certain people for just that reason yet racist themselves.
RE: The Labeling of Anti-Government People as Racists etc.

Woke culture is something that created a bigger divide between people. Trust me not a single normal person, ever, will hate another race for no reason. There are people indeed that were hurt but woke tactics, people that were hurt by slavery, or one individual that get racist beliefs, which is why I encourage everyone to be kind to others, and break the stereotypes and break the hate. But media needs that sprinkle of hate everyday so they attract people. Government as well, so I think it's really nice if we could just throw them all out.