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Should they make a super Mario Bros on ps4?


Apr 24, 2018
Reaction score
I think they should I mean they got other games that's is related to it!! What are you thought about it?
RE: Should they make a super Mario Bros on ps4?

That would be so weird. Can't see myself playing it as I'm way too used to the high end graphics. I'll stick to my call of duty ww2. But it is interesting you brought that up. You would think that they would go simple on all the systems once in a while and not just on nintendo switch.
RE: Should they make a super Mario Bros on ps4?

Super Mario Bros on ps4? Hmm sounds fishy, btw Mcdonalds still has the Classic Fillet-O-Fish! Come and get it, it's soooo good.
RE: Should they make a super Mario Bros on ps4?

It's not a matter of should they, it's a matter of could they. I don't think Nintendo would let Sony handle their poster boy Mario because I mean have you ever seen Mario on a console other than one made by Nintendo (other than the Philips CDi, may we all forget it's existence).

Yours Truly,

Lowercase Number xx
RE: Should they make a super Mario Bros on ps4?

It's not a matter of should they, it's a matter of could they. I don't think Nintendo would let Sony handle their poster boy Mario because I mean have you ever seen Mario on a console other than one made by Nintendo (other than the Philips CDi, may we all forget it's existence).Yours Truly,

Lowercase Number xx
Interesting you point that out. The way I see it, the only way Sony or Microsoft could do that is if they bought Nintendo out which would be so expensive that it would never happen. Not to mention Nintendo I believe is mainly an offshore brand.

It's my wish these console platformers knew how to balance simple with fun. Xbox and Playstation games are more fun but they seem to be so advanced that simpler games like Halo 2 back in those days have turned into so high tech that it has taken away from the fun of it all. I remember how fun Halo 2 used to be. Now I admit these days it's not as fun as playing COD WW2 but nonetheless if they made it even a tad bit simpler and also gave it the high end graphics and good user interface, balancing the 2 aspects out, it would come a lot farther.
RE: Should they make a super Mario Bros on ps4?

I agree with 1@Users Name[/uSER] Nintendo would never let anyone else have their beloved Mario. now as to the question of should they? i think not due to the fact that all consoles have different graphics and different styles ( for the most part) so it wouldn't be the same as the good o'l Mario we know and love, also noted that Sony would most likely put some super weird spin on the Mario franchise....... yes more off putting then the rabbids.
RE: Should they make a super Mario Bros on ps4?

Yeah super mario rabbids looked way different then any mario I've ever known. That said, sony would more than likely turn it into some type of gun mini-game or something. I don't ever see this happening.
RE: Should they make a super Mario Bros on ps4?

Yeah super mario rabbids looked way different then any mario I've ever known. That said, sony would more than likely turn it into some type of gun mini-game or something. I don't ever see this happening.
Thats exactly what i was thinking! sony would totally be like " mario? uhhh.... guns, yeah lets add guns to this shit because we're sony and we think guns make everything better" haha funny i almost said somthing about guns in my post above.