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Share with us the most awkward dream you've ever had


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Share 1 or 2 of the most awkward dreams you have ever had in your entire life. What happened in this dream and was it scary or just plain weird.

I've had some incredibly weird dreams in the past. One dream I was in a gym somewhere and there were like 80 or so people having a shoot out. I mean there were people everywhere ducking in corners and shooting at each other. It's quite interesting because usually my dreams are quite vivid. This one was very detailed and it felt like you were actually there. You could walk up to someone and talk to them and they'd probably respond. Anyways it was a duck and cover shoot out. I remember I ran to the back door and when I opened it some guy shot me and that's when I woke up. What's your experience?


Active Member
Retired Staff
Jul 4, 2018
RE: Share with us the most awkward dream you've ever had

I forgot many of my wildest dreams that i swore to write down.

The only one i remember was like it follows:

I woke up in a dirty dark room, i was apparently some sort of writer bc i had a huge pile of books and the old classic ink pen.

So, i went out of the room to get to the city and i was looking for home but it seemed like i've got amnesia and couldn't remember.. also no one recognized me in my own neighborhood. Everything looked so familiar but there were no signs of home.

I woke up when i got tired of looking.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
RE: Share with us the most awkward dream you've ever had

I forgot many of my wildest dreams that i swore to write down.The only one i remember was like it follows:

I woke up in a dirty dark room, i was apparently some sort of writer bc i had a huge pile of books and the old classic ink pen.

So, i went out of the room to get to the city and i was looking for home but it seemed like i've got amnesia and couldn't remember.. also no one recognized me in my own neighborhood. Everything looked so familiar but there were no signs of home.

I woke up when i got tired of looking.
I interpret dreams sometimes. I think it meant what you were looking for you had already found and wasn't hard to find even though you had searched for it a long time. The people didn't recognize you because you had not made theme aware you had already found what you were looking for. There were no signs of home because good fortune was supposed to be in the same home as the people who were outside your home. In other words you were sharing your fortune with others but they weren't wanting you to and instead wanted to do something for you instead. The books represent the memories that kept you and your family gifting each other and the ink pen is a bit more hard to understand. But in all honesty I think it represents the work involved in your life that allows you to help others out. Representing the flow of your life and how you've earned the respect of others by working hard. I also believe it tells of possible good fortune in the future.

I may make a dream interpreting thread when we get bigger. I enjoy it a lot. And dreams can only be interpreted so I'm not pretending like I know much about you as a whole but as far as interpretation goes it might be close.


Active Member
Retired Staff
Jul 4, 2018
RE: Share with us the most awkward dream you've ever had

It sounds very confusing to be honest...

That wasn't the only time that i had a dream about looking for something/somebody, i remember that i used to dream about travelling to other countries (by foot haha)

I always thought that it might mean that i don't belong where i am currently living or something like that.

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