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School Prayer

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
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Should prayer be allowed in public schools?  How about other aspects of religion?   Does anyone have a less strong opinion of being for or against public school prayer?  How do you feel about prayer in schools that are private?   Is it a good thing to allow?
RE: School Prayer

They do allow it and if they don't they are breaking the constitution. You may have forget freedom of religion but it's the freedom to express your beliefs or pray and read the bible or other books for whatever religion you have anywhere. There could be a lawsuit if someone denied you that right.
RE: School Prayer

I wouldn't stand against prayer in schools, it's a tremendous way of communicating with God. Every religion has their own way of communication with their God even in school, no one hinders anyone from such communication. 
RE: School Prayer

School prayers play a positive role on the minds of students in the morning.  As long as it is not forced on anyone, it is a good thing in practice.
RE: School Prayer

Prayers build an instant connection between students and God and build a positive belief in the students. Prayers inculcate certain values such as humility and discipline in the students.
RE: School Prayer

Even the President prays to God. Sometimes on national TV if theirs a tragic event. Why so many people find this natural is because that's exactly what it is, natural.

But that disbelief in God leads people to point fingers at why this is allowed though what no one understands is in times of trouble, you have to know that union is better off being centered around some type of Religion and best when it is around the Bible since fear is one thing that the bible can mend.
RE: School Prayer

I am of the opinion that school prayers should be continued. Prayers are always give you a positive energy. You develop trust and faith in the almighty right from a very younger age. In countries like India, where people practice many different religions, prayers need to be common for all so as to not hurt anyone's personal belief. Starting the day with a prayer, whether, in educational institution, work place or even at home can give you hope, confidence, and satisfaction.