I don't know Python. I would like to do the following:
[*]I would also like the bot to post to a sub-reddit when a tweet is posted.
BOT 2:
Ideally, I would like the code to be reusable so the bots can be extended to other sub-forums if need be.
EDIT: forum -> reddit
EDIT2: Just listing some stuff
- When a YouTube video is uploaded, I would like the Reddit bot to post the YouTube video to a certain sub-reddit
I would like the bot to sticky the post and unsticky the previous video.
[*]I would also like the bot to post to a sub-reddit when a tweet is posted.
- The title of the post is the text contents of the tweet.
- The Reddit post should be a link post.
BOT 2:
- When someone uploads an image to Instagram, I would like the bot to post to a certain sub-reddit.
- I would like the bot to upload the image to Imgur. Thus creating a mirror.
- In the comments I want the bot to first sticky the comment then the following:
Post the Instagram image url
- Post the mirror link
Ideally, I would like the code to be reusable so the bots can be extended to other sub-forums if need be.
EDIT: forum -> reddit
EDIT2: Just listing some stuff