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Punk Rock

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
Reaction score
Punk rock emerged in the mid-70s to combat what they felt was the softening and elitism of what was the current rock.   The punks had short hair or spiked hair when all the bands had long hair and even people generally had long hair at the time.   They favored aggressive music with less complexity while many artists had started sounding like a symphony (quoting Chuck Berry).

What about now?  Do you feel music is going in a soft and elitist fashion these days?  Does it discourage people who just want to get in a garage band and hit it big like Buddy Holly?
RE: Punk Rock

Punk Rock is quite strange to me, I didn't experience it during it's year of inception. In fact it isn't popular here in my locality, we love the afro- hip-hop songs, and other beautiful music genres. 

Music is life, their is no way I can say, some genres aren't worth it, because their are others who'll definitely feel ecstatic about that one. 
RE: Punk Rock

Punk Rock is characterized by short song forms, fast tempos, and anti-establishment lyrics. Simple melodies and few times hard edge melodies and singing style are all common punk sounds. It still exists today but It's not popular anymore as it doesn't have monetary value as other genres do.