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Public Schools

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
Reaction score
What can be done to improve public schools?    What are some qualities of good public schools?  What are characteristics of bad ones?  Do you feel public schools should be shunned in favor of private ones?  Should there be taxpayer funded vouchers for private schools?
RE: Public Schools

Safety should be a huge concern. Why public schools suffer so many thugs that vandalize and cause so much trouble is what I don't understand. Also it would be a good idea to make sure that people don't have weapons on campus. A lot of people tend to cause so many issues on school grounds.
RE: Public Schools

No, public schools here in my country is almost free of charge especially for the less privilege ones, because the wealthy peoples children go to quality private schools. What should be done is that, the public schools should be improved and made to be conducive for learning. 
RE: Public Schools

In many developing countries public schools are basically for the economically weaker section of the society. Here students are educated free of cost or with a much lesser fee structure. Government is wholly responsible for making sure that quality education is imparted at such schools. It should ideally have all the facilities which differentiate public school from a private school. It is a wrong notion that students graduating from private schools are better. It is not necessarily true. If opportunities are given to public school students, they are no less capable.