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Paranormal activity


Aug 23, 2021
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Last weekend, I and my friends stayed at my uncle’s farmhouse. The plans were already made and we watched a horror movie named hereditary and there were scenes in this film that brought me in terror. After we finished watching the entire movie, we were chatting in the same TV lounge and felt some paranormal activities going on in the lawn area. One of my friends literally quivered in fear after he saw an unusual man, wearing a turban, crossed by the trees outside. It was the scariest moment of our lives . Did anyone of you guys have experienced such activity after watching or not watching the horror movies ? Share your stories with us .
RE: Paranormal activity

This is why I avoid watching horror films, to be honest. Everything seems a lot scarier after watching one :eek:. Luckily, so far, I haven't had any spooky experiences.
RE: Paranormal activity

The biggest issue I have with horror movies, is that if they are consistently watched, they tend to mess with your mental state. Thus why your friends had issues. The more you watch, and the worse the movies get, the easier it is to get in such a state, that you can see stuff that normally isn't there.

When I watch something horror related, I tend to stick to the stuff that can be fun or military based.
RE: Paranormal activity

Ash said:
This is why I avoid watching horror films, to be honest. Everything seems a lot scarier after watching one :eek:. Luckily, so far, I haven't had any spooky experiences.
I had similar experiences when I was still a teenager. I would literally be scared to death when I'm meant to go into any dark room in the night. I would beg my siblings to escort me, otherwise I won't go. 
RE: Paranormal activity

I have seen a ghost of someone whom I know to me dead for at least 2 months. It gave me goosebumps the moment I saw him. It was the most scary day in my life. 
RE: Paranormal activity

I just created a new topic on what I just experienced few minutes ago. 
RE: Paranormal activity

I will swear, I've only seen a ghost one single time. And it was the shock of my life. But was a giant light and wasn't full figure. I have never had as much fear as I did on this day. I had someone else that was with me and saw it too so I had a witness. But we were in the woods at a civil war graveyard. Apparently chased out of the woods by a bright light. This was like 4 am in the morning so it wasn't a flash light. I taunted it for a moment to see if it would follow. Then came after us. This was all I needed to know that it was time to get the hell out of Samhain fast. We ran to the car. Apparently the gentlemen that had been with me kicked over a gravestone. Why he did this is the reason why, 10 minutes later we had a flat tire and didn't know why. I chanted and apologized to the dead spirit who's gravestone was obliterated by the person who I had brought that night. I explained to them that you do not dis-respect the dead as it comes back to haunt you. Any event, we spent the rest of the night walking almost 5 miles to Walmart to fix the car, never could and I had to walk 12 miles to get to my house.
RE: Paranormal activity

Horror movies doesn't have any kind of effects on me. I even prefer watching horror movies deep in the night around 1:00am in order to feel the movies effects well. 
RE: Paranormal activity

When I recall seeing terrifying movies as a youngster, I usually chuckle. You're suddenly concerned that something bad may happen to you that you've never considered before.
RE: Paranormal activity

It's really scary, but I have experience seeing paranormal activities. Initially, I was thinking that my mind's gone bonkers. But I have noticed such activities happen mostly near to new moon night. I cannot explain the reason for this. I am scared about the whole thing. I cannot freely discuss this with my friends or family as they think my imaginations are running wild. I am sure paranormal activities exists, probably it's visible only to few unfortunates like us.
RE: Paranormal activity

Phoenix said:
When I recall seeing terrifying movies as a youngster, I usually chuckle. You're suddenly concerned that something bad may happen to you that you've never considered before.
When my brother was a kid, there is no way you would expect him to be all alone in the after watching horror movies. He's will be creeped out by all means. 