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Other Search engines


May 15, 2020
Reaction score
Anyone know other search engines besides Google, Bing, and Yahoo?
RE: Other Search engines

I use Duckduckgo, i like the simpler design and their stand against privacy but their results are not accurate as we see in Google.
RE: Other Search engines

I use DuckDuckGo and started using it for privacy but also to give a smaller search engine more traffic and less from the big guy Google. I still use Google from time to time because it's on my phone automatically as I have a Google Pixel phone and it's built in, but I also have DuckDuckGo as my phone browser default.

What I like about DuckDuckGo is that it's fast and private. What I don't like is that it can't find some sites that I would think should come up in my searches.
RE: Other Search engines

Like others have said DuckDuckGo is the next best thing, I think anything beyond that wouldn't be trust worthy.
RE: Other Search engines

I generally use google for most things i need, as I no longer actively search of stuff that goes beyond a few things I generally need an address on.
RE: Other Search engines

  • DuckDuckGo
  • StartPage
  • Ecosia
RE: Other Search engines

I haven't either. I did see one called info.com that was advertised on google. Probably wouldn't use it though.
RE: Other Search engines

I never heard of the later two, they look interesting.
StartPage is Google but privacy focused. So they get Google results but they anonymize the query.
Something like that.

Oh, and there's of course, Yendex.
RE: Other Search engines

I've used Ecosia for a while, but sadly had to go back to google as they just didn't have what I was looking for about 80% of the time. I loved the concept of it, and wanted to support them more but until they fix their crawling bots as well as their algorithm it's not worth it in my opinion.

I never heard of the later two, they look interesting.
Ecosia plants trees for every x amount of searches they do through the site. You just have to make an account or get the addon for chrome. It's a really amazing concept.
I mostly use Google but sometimes I also use Bing because I can earn rewards. I used to use yahoo in the past but I no longer use Yahoo. I have tried Duck Duck Go, Yandex, as well as Baidu.
Brave has their own search engine now and there's DuckDuckgo and Startpage as well if you want other alternatives. Personally, I prefer the Brave one as it's accuracy is way above Google in terms of finding exactly what I'm looking for.
Anyone know other search engines besides Google, Bing, and Yahoo?
Chatgpt recently launched their own search engine, so there’s another player in the market. Facebook is also working on their own search engine.
I never use anything other than Google. Here are the reasons why:

1. Its clean and has a really wide variety of search functions like images, map and scholarly articles.
2. They have our data anyway. then, why not use their services :D
3. Its more accurate than any other engines (atleast according to me) if you input the right keywords.

I have tried Yahoo! in the past, but I was not very comfortable with their interface. It appeared too crowded and cluttered for my liking.
There are other several search engines one can turn to in the internet today. Some of them include DuckDuckGo that target on privacy and StartPage that also target user’s privacy. There is also Qwant which is a French search engine that doesn’t track the user and Yandex which is a Russian search engine. All are good search engines.
Duckduckgo is another good alternative of search engine that I find very useful. I've been using it for years and it served me. Also, AI is now being used by so many people instead of using the orthodox search engine.