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Non-Traditional Domain Extentions

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
Reaction score
Some new ones are .club, .xyz, actually seems endless, but .club, .xyz are some more well-known ones, I think.   O.K., who has used an uncommon extension?  What was it?  Why might some people dislike these new extensions?   Myself, I wouldn't use a lot of them.  I'd rather stick to more generic ones like .club, .xyz, .info etc. 
RE: Non-Traditional Domain Extentions

XYZ domains are becoming popular this days, I've seen some websites who is bearing the extension. But, most of them are suspicious of being scam. 
RE: Non-Traditional Domain Extentions

Sincerem said:
XYZ domains are becoming popular this days, I've seen some websites who is bearing the extension. But, most of them are suspicious of being scam. 
Yeah, it seems like those are going massively up in value.  Well, I regret not buying some of them for resell.   Has anyone on here tried to sell .xyz?
RE: Non-Traditional Domain Extentions

.io seems to have gone up the most in popularity. The company type domain names that have longer extensions are the most valuable but I'd rather stick with a .com
I have used a variety of domain extensions such as xyz, club, info, online, store, shop, etc. Domain extensions do not matter what matters is the content quality in your website.
I wouldn't use any of them, because .com is king and most people still remember .com domains over anything else. If two websites are website .com or website .xyz there is a good chance they are going to go to the .com website first.
I have used over a dozen different domain extensions. Currently, I have dot co, dot net and dot club domain. I have also used dot xyz, dot info, dot org, dot online, dot site, dot website, dot art, etc.