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New Professional Rating/Reaction Icons Added and Current Replaced.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
Hi, I am proud to announce brand new reactions currently available in the post bit. Now with a brand new style of selecting them. They are now inline neatly arranged in the post.

I had intended to do this sometime in our life cycle but decided on doing it now because I found some very professional icons, far more custom then before, which had stopped me from having the inline style most preferred.

A decent bit of reactions have been added to the post bit. All I intend to keep so no worries they won't be ever removed. Progress will remain. As for the old reactions, they were replaced with the exact same kind but with a new set so no ratings were lost. There were only 2 I removed which didn't have icons for them and not many people ever clicked on them so you may have 1-5 ratings missing in your count but doubtfully even that. The others matched up. Almost all did. See you in the Cafe ~TopSilver
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