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New Person


Jan 28, 2021
Reaction score
Hello! Know you from ForumPromotion :) I'm a happily married female, child-free by choice. Believe in holistic, eco-friendly living. I’m an introvert so I love to write. Love being in nature, astronomy, birdwatching, animals. Looking forward to getting to know others!
Hey 1@ZandraJoi[/uSER] this is TopSilver from your thread on forum promotion. There's no need to be shy, you are welcome here anytime. I'm excited for you to join. Your husband is too if he wants. I appreciate you taking the time to join. We should grow a lot in the coming days.
Thank you for the warm welcome :) My husband isn't into forums. He's not even online that much lol
No problem. And that's fine, just thought I'd invite him. Let me know if you have any questions and your welcome to promote your website in your signature. We allow up to 3 links.
Welcome newperson, glad you foudn your way here! You will liek this place.