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Mouse, Wireless Mouse, Touchpad or ?


Apr 18, 2020
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I have a corded mouse but my laptop also has a touchpad and I can't stand to use it. Maybe it's because I started with a mouse 30 years ago and can't break myself of that habit. I don't even care for a wireless mouse.

What do you prefer?
RE: Mouse, Wireless Mouse, Touchpad or ?

Always had corded mouse for gaming as it's a better option, so a gaming mouse. For my Laptop, it's a wireless mouse that the battery last for weeks on end without charging. It's a goof Logitech mouse. Regardsanything else, I never did like the touchpad. It seems that gaming wireless mouse has and is improving over the years, yet rather use corded.
RE: Mouse, Wireless Mouse, Touchpad or ?

I only use wired, I don't like wireless for the sole reason of batteries. Nothing like being in the middle of a game like league of legends and during a ranked team fight your mouse just dies. Like eeenope. I've used wireless a few times but nothing beats the good ol' wired mouse.
RE: Mouse, Wireless Mouse, Touchpad or ?

I use a wireless mouse with my laptop. I don't like using the built in touch pad. Using a touch pad can be annoying. What I do (so I can use it on my bed) is get like a DVD case and sit the mouse on it to use as a solid surface for my mouse since ordinary mouse pads need a hard surface and I use it on my bed. It's a cheap logitech that requires only 1 AA battery but each single battery lasts a really long time. The battery life and the fact that it only requires 1 battery makes it good to use.
RE: Mouse, Wireless Mouse, Touchpad or ?

I don't game with my mouse, so I use wireless but I would never use a touch pad if I can help it. I would never use a wireless keyboard and always wired.
RE: Mouse, Wireless Mouse, Touchpad or ?

Corded mouse with my desktop (just because), wireless mouse with my laptop (portable).

I didn't really see the point in going wireless with my new desktop.
RE: Mouse, Wireless Mouse, Touchpad or ?

I always go with a wired gaming mouse cuz I don't have to charge it and stuff plus if I'm mobile then I prefer using the touchpad of my laptop.
RE: Mouse, Wireless Mouse, Touchpad or ?

I prefer wired mainly because the wireless requires a battery. Sometimes the battery runs dry and I don't have a replacement on me, making me unable to use my computer
RE: Mouse, Wireless Mouse, Touchpad or ?

After using the mouse for so long years, and getting adapted to touchpad was difficult in the beginning and somehow managed and using touchpad right now.,
RE: Mouse, Wireless Mouse, Touchpad or ?

I use the touch pad of my laptop.  For my desktop, I use a wired mouse....have been using it for ages.
RE: Mouse, Wireless Mouse, Touchpad or ?

I still prefer the wired or even wireless mouse than the touchpad. Touchpad is convenient to work on the go. At home and even in my office, I use either wired or wireless mouse. I find this easier to use, which I am sure the younger generation will never agree.
RE: Mouse, Wireless Mouse, Touchpad or ?

I'll always go with wired as it just has better performance, less time to register movement. I play competitive games and every second matters there. I also don't seem to get bothered by the cables on the desk.
I use a laptop, therefore, I like using touchpad. However, sometimes I also use a mouse, I have used wired as well as wireless mouse. My current mouse is a wireless vertical mouse.